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AI package don't work.


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Travel to X marker, Flags - Must complete, Must reach location.

Travel to stool, Flags - Must complete, Must reach location.

Use item at stool, Flags - Must complete.


What happens is that, npc gets to the x marker and nothing, just stands there. Anyone knows what's the problem?

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Travel to X marker, Flags - Must complete, Must reach location.

Travel to stool, Flags - Must complete, Must reach location.

Use item at stool, Flags - Must complete.


What happens is that, npc gets to the x marker and nothing, just stands there. Anyone knows what's the problem?


This is how I understand it (having gone through the same thing!):


AI works on a gamehour by gamehour basis; your NPC is reaching the marker (reaching the location and completing it), and waits there until the next package (travel to stool) kicks in--which will happen when the game hour its scheduled for is reached. (A way to test this is to watch him reach the marker, hit "T" and wait for one hour, and see if he does the next step.) Adding a script (object script) to your NPC can speed up the process, like thus:


scn NPCScriptSCR (whatever you want to name your script)

01 Begin OnPackageEnd AI packagename ;this should be the first package, that leads him to the X marker

02 NPCId.evp ;this causes the NPC to evaluate which package to execute next, based on the variables in the packages. It can take a bit if he has a lot of packages to sort through.

03 end


05 Begin OnPackageEnd AI packagename ;the packagename here should be the one for him traveling to the stool

06 NPCId.evp

07 end


And that should do it. I hope it helps; working on AI issues myself right now, so I can definitely share your frustration!

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Ow, it should say "AI package doesn't work", grammar, grammar, sigh...

Anyways, it didn't work, but it works sometimes when I do something random, like placing wander instead of travel with x marker and near location radius, then it stops working when I add another x marker to travel from, I'll try to tinker with it, maybe I'll come up with something. Thanks for helping. Kudos!

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Did you add any conditions to make the "Travel to X Marker" package no longer valid once it is complete? If not, it will remain valid indefinitely and the NPC will keep travelling even after reaching the location, ignoring all other packages below it.


Why not scrap the "Travel to stool" package? The "Use Item at Stool" package implies that the NPC must travel there first, making the "Travel to stool" package redundant.

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1.Use item at targeting a stool works only if it doesn't have other packages before it, that's why I placed travel to stool, as I said it works randomly with random flags and other stuff. (Wander to x marker works sometimes, I have no idea why everything acts like a madhouse). Even without must complete and reach location it acts like there's only 1 marker. Seems like I need a condition. Have no idea what to do there, but I'll try.

2.Reference? How did then I made it as used object? Meh.

Edited by Razormane
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In the Render window double click on the stool. In the Reference dialogue that pops up make sure there is a check mark beside 'Persistent Reference' in the lower section of the dialogue.
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In the Render window double click on the stool. In the Reference dialogue that pops up make sure there is a check mark beside 'Persistent Reference' in the lower section of the dialogue.

Man...what I ment is... I have travel to stool, and use item at, both of them use a persistent reference....and you can't target nonepersistent.... sigh >.< , It's like telling me to put on my pants, and I'm already wearing them. (No offence) >.<

Does anyone know how to fix this, for real...?

Edited by Razormane
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What exactly do you want the NPC to do? Travel to the XMarker, and then head over to the stool and then Use an Item? And by Use Item, is it an inventory item or do you want the NPC to use the stool?
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