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So You Want to Make a Mod: Another Thread Doomed to be Read Only By Th


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'Hwy guys im 12 and I had AN IDEA! ! ! lets make oblivion an MMO - with dragons n nightelves n epic lut lulz rofl

i cna b project leader an im recrooting lotsa xperiencd modders lyk nicoroshi, qarl, willieSea an midas - you can all join i dnt mind 2 much but ask me 1st k? i can make .esp files nd i hav construction set - PM me'

Heh heh... Midas...


6. It is now possible to obtain every conceivable skin color of girly elf with or without droopy anime ears. Similarly, cat girls of varying quality levels are now available to suit a wide variety of preferences. Trust me on this.
I thought stuff like that was generally done by the more experienced modders... I've seen a couple of *requests* for moderately different elves, but I haven't actually seen any new elf/catgirl mods about since the niche filled.


I know the Peryite portal is used a lot, but for a new modder, it strikes me as the most practical thing. The alternatives for a magic portal seem to be a TrigZone that teleports the player or new models and textures.

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bah... swords rock noone needs axes just orcs and noone plays orcs... swords ftw!! you wont stop me!! :P

no seriously you guys want axes and such stuff? i man bows ok but these ugly blunts are a waste of scenic views... well orcs with an axe prolly give a damn about looks though and would prolly even mate with a toad thinking its one of them...

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Nicely said SickleYeld.

Hmm...in my first mod that I created (never uploaded),after viewing several tutorials, I actually used "The glowing blue portal from the Peryite Shrine" :biggrin:

-anyway...it was a good mod for learning scripting and using the CS editor//but enough advertising :biggrin:



Thanks for posting this article ,that also made me remember my first steps in modding :)

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@Vagrant: I'm not saying we don't need more well done large quests with new areas. I don't even think there are too many house mods (or enough). It's just that the number of people who can figure out the basics of the CS greatly exceeds the number who can come up with either a new way to use the old components or new meshes and textures to replace them.


@Jaysus: I think you've used the word "orcs" enough now, thanks. ;) About half my characters use blunt weapons instead of blades, including a goat girl, a lich, a female undead, and a tarantula person (all custom races by me, all females). And blunt weapons do not have to be ugly - the Morrigan Equipment, for example, has some simply gorgeous axes, and FCOM has some very nice-looking blunts. Not only that, but many people whose characters have blade as a major skill will be using bows and blunts in order to level minor skills and boost stats.


And for those needing a new magic portal: I'm on a furniture WIP right now; maybe I can come up with some new particled doors for folks to use. ;) I don't promise ten separately animating pieces like the Peryite portal. I'm only just learning to use the massive hierarchy setups like that and my animations still tend to be pretty simple.

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All probably pretty true, except for point 6 regarding cat girls. Whatever amount there may be, but that genre just isn't complete until some facegen artist provides Natassja Kinski.








(and no, that has nothing to do with my nick, how dare you? :P )

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Personally, I don't like magic portals or load doors even though the doors are a necessary evil. Swords are alright but I couldn't play without my bow. Marksman and armorer are the first skills I master :biggrin:
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