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Fallout 4 + Windows 10 Pro = BSOD?


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OK so I've been looking all over the internet for an answer to why this is happening and a solution, but outside of the typical check your CPU, your Ram, Your GPU Driver there seems to be no one who actually knows why this is happening.


There are a lot of people who are experiencing this issue and very few people including Microsoft and Bethesda who know why it's actually happening. My FO4 has 107 mods installed and most of them are low demand mods as far as graphics go. The biggest mystery is, this does not happen with any other game I have and I play a lot of games some of them are pretty demanding games graphically. My GPU is up to date and my system tests out when ever I check ram speed/temp and CPU speed and temp.There are no issues as far as any of my hardware, The problem has to be with FO4, it's the only thing I can come up with, but no one seems to know why.


If anyone else having this issue has any knowledge or experience with this problem please comment on it maybe if enough of us compare specs and experience with this issue we can come up with a reason for it and or a fix.


interesting to note it seems to happen at any given moment, I can be in a multi fire fight with a s#*! load of raiders guns blazing and the game looks and plays fine, but suddenly if I'm just standing still or in a low action environment, situation it will BSOD! So it seems it has nothing to do with demand on GPU or RAM.


Anyhow any ideas or comments on your own experience with this would be appreciated.


MY System Specs:


  • Processor
    Intel i7-7700k 4.2ghz 4 cores 8 threads
  • Memory
    16gig DDR4
  • Motherboard
    Giga-Byte Z270-Gaming K3
  • Graphics Card:
    AMD Radeon XFX RX-580 8gig DDR5
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Fallout 4 works fine on Windows 10 Pro.

I've run it on two diferent PC-builds, one with an old Intel i7-5960X Extreme, Corsair Dominator DDR4 2800MHz (2x16GB), and dual MSI GTX 980, and another with AMD Threadripper 2950X, G.Skill Flare X DDR4 3200MHz (8x8GB) and Gigabyte RTX 2080 Ti.

Had my fair share of crashes due to faulty hardware and software related shite through the years, but when those are sorted, FO4 and other games works fine on Win10 Pro.

Your description of the problem is kind of non-specific, not much hard facts to go on here....

1. What is the BSOD error code & error text

2. Did you log sensor metrics over time and look at them at the time of the crash?

I personally prefer HWiNFO, https://www.hwinfo.com

Starting it in sensor mode and log values to a file.

You can then read and compare sensor data with Generic Log Viewer, https://www.hwinfo.com/add-ons/ after a crash

3. Did you have any abnormal messages in the Windows Event Log (Application, Security and System) at the time of crashing?

4. Do you have any third-party anti-malware sw, or sw that periodically executes and that coincides with the crashes?

5. Do you have a PSU that can log data to file (input/output voltage, rail voltage, efficiency, temperature etc), for example like the Corsair AX1200i?

6. Do you overclock the system or any parts of it?

7. Did you log data from Windows Performance Monitor over time, especially the Memory, Network Interface, PhysialDisk and Processor counters?

8. ....and if you want to take it a step further you can enable process tracking in the Windows Event Log (Security),

or take a look at NirSoft's ExecutedProgramsList or similar tools to get further insight into what is happening at the time of the crash.

Point 2-8 is not primarily to pinpoint the cause, but to rule things out.

Happy hunting!!

EDIT: Process Monitor from Sysinternals may also be helpful.

Edited by DjinnKiller
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I'll get the cod



Fallout 4 works fine on Windows 10 Pro.
I've run it on two diferent PC-builds, one with an old Intel i7-5960X Extreme, Corsair Dominator DDR4 2800MHz (2x16GB), and dual MSI GTX 980, and another with AMD Threadripper 2950X, G.Skill Flare X DDR4 3200MHz (8x8GB) and Gigabyte RTX 2080 Ti.
Had my fair share of crashes due to faulty hardware and software related shite through the years, but when those are sorted, FO4 and other games works fine on Win10 Pro.
Your description of the problem is kind of non-specific, not much hard facts to go on here....
1. What is the BSOD error code & error text
2. Did you log sensor metrics over time and look at them at the time of the crash?
I personally prefer HWiNFO, https://www.hwinfo.com
Starting it in sensor mode and log values to a file.
You can then read and compare sensor data with Generic Log Viewer, https://www.hwinfo.com/add-ons/ after a crash
3. Did you have any abnormal messages in the Windows Event Log (Application, Security and System) at the time of crashing?
4. Do you have any third-party anti-malware sw, or sw that periodically executes and that coincides with the crashes?
5. Do you have a PSU that can log data to file (input/output voltage, rail voltage, efficiency, temperature etc), for example like the Corsair AX1200i?
6. Do you overclock the system or any parts of it?
7. Did you log data from Windows Performance Monitor over time, especially the Memory, Network Interface, PhysialDisk and Processor counters?
8. ....and if you want to take it a step further you can enable process tracking in the Windows Event Log (Security),
or take a look at NirSoft's ExecutedProgramsList or similar tools to get further insight into what is happening at the time of the crash.
Point 2-8 is not primarily to pinpoint the cause, but to rule things out.
Happy hunting!!
EDIT: Process Monitor from Sysinternals may also be helpf



I'll get the code next time it happens, it's always the same, any information related to that code points to ram but it's not my ram, makes me wonder if I have too much ram for the game and need to tweek the ini file to compensate. I know that was a problem with FONV and 3. I'll get all the answers along with the code and post them, at the same time. Good point, thanks.

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Blue screen is something really big, you know? Are you SURE your memory is fine? Last time i had a blue screen my memory was good to be discarded and had lots of errors in MEMTEST. Bought a pair of Corsair after and never had problems again. I must say the old memory was not that old, only one year or 2 of use.

Also, about memory, have you already read anything about EmptyStandbyList?

About FO4, have you already tried to set VideoMemorySizeMB in ENBlocal to a normal size, like 4096 or 14000?

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You don't have "too much RAM", there is no such thing as too much RAM.

As I said in my previous post, I run FO4 on machines with 32 and 64 GB of RAM.


Rest assured that this is not the issue.



Stop spamming about "EmptyStandbyList".

In the same paragraph above you mixes up VRAM use and offloading to RAM in the context.

"Normal size like 4096 or 14000", this is WRONG.

4 096 MB of RAM = 4GB, 14 336 MB of RAM= 14GB


I've done A LOT of testing with the setting in enblocal, it has no effect what so ever.

These tests was done with dual GTX 980 on a 32GB system, and RTX 2080 Ti on a 64GB system.

Edited by DjinnKiller
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Sorry, DjinnKiller, i am posting a link of google where people can read about and maybe try it? My game used to crash a lot, especially after loading a save game, inclusing loss of fps after every load, and now i barely experience a crash. Surely i changed some other things, but this was one. If this can be a helper, why shouldn't i """"spam"""" it? I am not even saying "use this and your problems will be over".

Setting the memory size of enblocal to true helps with the game not loading stuff and for some people, 4096 no matter what their hardware is, seemed to solve the issue, while using large values sometimes appear not to be the way to go. There are videos to do the math about it and 14000 was just a 'random' value. You won't be using exact numbers like 4096 = 4gb. This would need testing, and if nothing changed for you, it can't mean nothing will change to others.
Unless things changed in FO4, of course, and i am outdated with what i did here myself. Then, excuse me.

We never know what can be causing problems, is it wrong to suggest testing something? I only said that i already had problems with faulty memory and suggested 2 things that, who knows, can change something

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First of all, apologies to the OP for hijacking this thread and going off-topic....


The tool you keep posting links to is nothing more than a CLI to some memory management functions in the core OS.

There is no clever programming going on, there is no magic.

For example flushing the Working Set of a process does nothing more than create a lot of page faults as the OS has to swap (parts of) the information back in.

I suggest downloading VMMap from Sysinternals, attach it to a process, clear the working set and watch what happens.

When there is a problem with FO4 (or possibly hardware) you don't start to randomly mess around with the memory management of the OS. You methodically troubleshoot the problem.

As for the ENB-setting, for those who got it working, good for them. I have not, on two very different hardware configurations, and after many hours of testing different values.

Why 4GB (4096) and 13.7GB (14000) should be considered "normal" values I have no clue at all.

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Yeah my rams good, FO4 is the only game that does this. As I said, I run more demanding games than FO4 and never have an issue.





Yeah I checked my event logs almost ever time and the only thing I could see seemed unrelated to FO4 or anything that could be connected, the event has something to do with a Microsoft Application that runs in the background, there have been other events but the one I mentioned is the most consistent one. Any searches I've done on that event have been pretty useless information. Next time it happens I'll post the info. In fact I'm going to play today so as soon as it BSODs, since I know it will, I'll post the info.


As far as malware I only run them periodically to scan my system and keep them off the rest of the time except for Windows defender security, I guess I could check it to make sure It only runs when I invoke it. God I Hate Windows, I've been using it since 3.0 you would think the BSOD would be a thing of the past.


I don't overclock, not something I do. Running the Windows Performance Monitor is a good idea and I'll go ahead and run process tracking as well, good suggestion. As far as my PSU, I believe it is a Corsair, I built the system, it has a 750 watt unit I'll look at it today and see.


I'm also looking at the ware you suggested WHiNFO I'll give it a shot.


Thanks :thumbsup:





By resetting your BIOs could you give a little more specifics, that may be something I'll try if nothing else pans out.




Thanks for all the info this helps a lot.

Edited by RadoGamer
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As for Windows, I rarely have BSOD's, when I do they always dumps into two categories.

1. Hardware, either me doing something stupid regarding overclock, or some hardware that is faulty.


2. Some driver or software that runs in admin context (RAID-drivers in particular, or buggy security software).


Btw, I run Windows Defender with default settings, never touched it, and it doesn't cause trouble, for me at least, ymmv!


If you have a Corsair with a Link-module (hw thingy), you can use the Corsair Link software to read some metrics from the PSU.



But, what is the BSOD-error, especially since it only happens when playing FO4. I'm starting to get curious! :)


Good luck!

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