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Wrye Bash doesnt launch


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I tried pretty much everything. 50 reinstalls. Installer. Archive. Old Version.


When I click WryeBash there is just nothing. The cursor suggests its loading 0.5ms with this sandtime thing and then nothing.


I am not even trying to launch it through MO or anything.


It used to work on this PC.


Heeelp? :(

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I just mean when the windows cursor suggests its loading something.


Here, this: https://www.google.com/search?q=windows+loading+cursor&rlz=1C1CHBF_deDE730DE730&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwicrYLfhpbkAhXQwKQKHfzrDQsQ_AUIESgB&biw=1756&bih=977#imgrc=6II0TwB9IuP_UM:


It suggests 0.5 miliseconds its loading WryeBash or something, then nothing. When trying to launch WB through MO the same, even though MO suggests I cant use it because WB is running (like 5 seconds), b4 it apparently crashes or well doesnt launch because Wb doesnt launch and MO gets unlocked again.


Im not stupid. I have been waiting long enough. The program simply doesnt start or has some problems starting up.. :((

Is there an alternative to making a bashed patch?

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