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[W.I.P] Dreadmyst Hollow (name not final)


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Over the past few months i have been working on a dark Vampire/ Werewolf based dungeon located deep in the mountains of southern Skyrim. I have wanted to do this for a while and have been messing with Alpha layouts for a while now and i finally have a good landscape build and interior layout. I will be posting screenshots from my dungeon and general thoughts i have about the direction of the project. I would love feedback and thoughts on the layout, concept, immersion, mechanics and anything else.


There WILL be retextures, new sound effects, a couple small quests, and hopefully diverse boss fights. I am currently looking for a scripter to help me program some of the boss fights. Here is a link to my current post in regards to what im looking for http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/791389-need-scripter-for-advanced-boss-fight/page__gopid__6349435#entry6349435


I am going to be doing side stories and presenting quests in the form of journals (on dead bodies or in rubble piles). Im not planning on any voice acting as of yet.


Currently I am hoping to release the final version of this by Halloween. The beta version will be released in about two weeks, fully playable with some retextures and some programmed boss fights. The retextures are going to take a while so I may push back the release of the final version depending on how much i can get done.


Here are some screenshots of the Exterior worldspace. The worldspace itself is 98% complete in terms of design. I will start doing a sound effect pass and texture pass in the next 4 days followed by actor placement. The interior cells are not shown yet but are 75% complete in terms of design and clutter.
















I am debating redoing the ceiling of the exterior area to make the worldspace look like a mountain pass and doing a custom climate to add a more ominous feeling .


I have some sounds and tracks from Oblivion that I would like to use in certain parts of the Dungeon. Is it alright to use sounds from past games and not have the mod taken down?


Ill try to post updates every day or two.

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Update 9/29:


a lot of progress has been made. 95% of the areas in the dungeon interior and exterior have working navmesh. The Final boss of this dungeon will be a Bosmer Vampire fight (scripted) based on the lore of the Keelrlith Vampires from Valenwood. I could only find one good article on the different famlies of vampires across all of Tamriel. The Keelrlith really stood out because i had the ability to bring something new to the game. The fight is playable but there is still a bit more i can do (with the proper help) in terms of visual fx. Thanks to Sjogga and Steve40 for the boss fight script and all their help.


The interior layout is almost finished. The last room i have to work on is the torture chamber. I have started my sound effect placement in the exterior area. I have a few new sound effects but im going to add them last. I want to test the adding of sound effects to the game first using a separate .esp.


I am also going to add a few small hidden paths in the exterior area for a better rogue and stealth character experience. One of those areas will be hidden here.





I am very proud of the interior castle so far. it took me a couple of trys to get the entrance the way i wanted it.




so far so good but im going to try to put a few more surprises into the layout so the dungeon doesnt feel too linear.

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Kia ora


Looks great mate, a thought as fars as your Oblivion sound tracks


if theyer made by you and not game sounds your ok if they are from the game or

it's DLC's thy are out of bounds,.. yor not allowed to ude assent from other games not even Elderscrolls


if they'er from a mod then you need that mod author grace's to use his/her assets


Thats how I understand it anyway

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Update 10/3:


Layout of the dungeon exterior and all its cells is 100% done and navmesh is 100% done as well. When i say 100% done on layout i mean the rooms and exterior spaces are as big as they are going to get. I still go through and add some nice architectural improvements from time to time ( a pillar here a bush there etc.) The visual and sound effects are coming along nicely. I wont be able to use the sound effects from Oblivion. To bad because some of the oblivion tracks are absolutely perfect for this.

I have begun placing enemy actors. The enemy actors are going to have custom Combat styles (as custom as i can get them) as well as a few custom AI packages based on the situation. The goal of this is to give the dungeon a challenging feel. By challenging i mean if you dont use shouts and pay attention to where you are and whos around you, you WILL die. Even on some common enemies (unless you just used god modes of any kind but wheres the fun in that). When I test the encounters i am most likely going to test with different types of followers as well as on my own and see if i can have any kind of balance between solo and follower endeavors. The scripted boss fight is coming along nicely. We are trying to get some last minute issues worked out before I actually put the encounter in the dungeon.

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Update 10/9


The final boss fight script is now finished and ready for implementation. I found better sounds than i ever hoped to find. I am still trying to make the dungeon layout a bit rogue friendlier. I am going to attempt to make a second scripted boss fight. hopefully it wont be too hard to make the script.

Working on the scripting portion of this mod has been a better experience then i expected. I have really enjoyed interacting with folks on the Nexus and will enjoy interacting with you guys and gals for years to come.

The final stage of development will be a quest to tie all the bosses together. It shouldnt take me too long to complete the quest. it all depends on how i want it played out. Previous experiences with creating quests give me the impression that this will be a pain.

I am debating having a beta test with a just a handful of people. If you would like to be a beta tester for this mod please message me.


Here are a couple screenshots from my latest playtest.





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