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The True Reason Why Skyrim Has Inevetible Crashes!


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So Ive been Searching Around Diffrent Forums All Over The Net And I Found Many Answeres That Were Actually Not Helpfull!

So I Decided To Debug The Damn Game And See What The Problem Is.

Because On A High End Machine With 8G 1922mghz Ram And 2 G Of ATI Crossfired Graphic Cards And A Cori7-Intel CPU And A Sata Adata SSD You REALLY Shoudnt Get ANY Crashes On ANY game!

Its A Beast And Its Not Soppoused to be beaten!

So Here Goes :

Skyrim CAN NOT USE OVER 2.345-2.350 MB Of MemorY!

The System Crashes At That Point i Think It Has Something to do with the game engine!

Ive tested this OVER and OVER again in diffrent locations And Even In Interrors When You Overload The System Over 2.345 It Will Crash At That Point!

But Before That It Wont Crash!

And The Reason Why The CTD's Are Common At CERTIn locations Is because in those locations the game Overloads Some Textures And it just doesnt LOAD them it OVERLOADS them winch means it loads them TWICE!

Winch Is The Exact Reason For a +100 MB ram usage Winch INEVETIBLY crashes the systeM!

There ! Problem Found!

Now Please Try To FIx It!

And If Im Wrong Please Explain FULLY Why Because I have tested this theory over 20 times!

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I wish it was that simple, since the 1.3 patch Skyrim is already flagged to 64 bits, the 2GB RAM barrier is no more. Notice it is not the same as the VRAM at your video cards (I suppose you have two !GB cards in crossfire, what means the system see it as 1GB, not 2GB). Besides, although significant, the amount of memory is not the only factor dictating the card power.


Experience has shown that most users tend to abuse the settings when believe their machine is powerful enough, forgetting the symbiosis between the application and the machine. Maybe your machine can sustain the extra strain but that does not mean the game can do it and be still stable.


To make things worse, most users install mods without second thoughts about how each mod can affect the other. To some mods is not enough to change the load order, the order in what they were installed can be defining. This is valid to mods using "loose files", things are still more confuse when the mod comes in BSA format (like those downloaded from the Steam Workshop) for in this case is harder to control and merge them.


To say the least I'm very surprised that Skyrim is actually much more robust to allow the workshop to be yet active after that many mods there, my own prevision was it would break soon after the very start, mainly because that mechanism based almost solely on BSA. There was a price to this also, the loading mechanics was deeply changed and made harder to keep up the much better mod managers based on "loose files", such as NMM, BAIN and so on.



That said I must tell you that I have been currently replaying Skyrim for a month or so, experimenting with several different character building and to date without a single crash or hang. On the other hand the game is only moderately modded, with only a total of 25 ESM/ESPs (although the number of actual mods is greater, many of them don't need ESPs. which include textures mods mainly). The important thing here is that those mods were chosen from knowledge the chances of serious conflicts were minimal and when unavoidable they could be merged together or overlap without consequences other than losing partial functionality in a mod or another).


Finally, My rig is an AMD bulldozer 6100 (overclocked 4GHz+), 8GB RAM, 2x Nvidia GTX 560 in SLI, 2 SATA HDs (no SSD here), on a M5A99x EVO Asus mobo. A Corsair K90 keyboard and first a Corsair M90 mouse and now using a Razer Naga Hex).


This system allowed me to simply put the game in the ultra setting and still keep 60 FPS in almost everywhere least some places, like the infamous Whiterun where the processor is the bottleneck, not the graphic cards. That limit at 60 FPS is due to the adaptive VSync from the newer Nvidia drivers, which activates automatically when the FPS goes up and deactivates to increase performance when it gets lower than the monitor's refresh rate.


So, I really wish the stability and crash problems were that simple...

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  • 5 months later...

Ultra Settings DOES NOT CROSS The Memory limit of 2.345 As This guy said.

it Doesnt even get to 2.100MB

25 mods ...? i have about 255 And i have the same problem as alij8000.

also i have a beast rig.

i think this should be looked into.he might be onto something

never seen the game use more than 2.350 at all...it always crashes at that point.like LArge battles where the AI is about x 80?? always a crash.

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Ultra Settings DOES NOT CROSS The Memory limit of 2.345 As This guy said.

it Doesnt even get to 2.100MB

25 mods ...? i have about 255 And i have the same problem as alij8000.

also i have a beast rig.

i think this should be looked into.he might be onto something

never seen the game use more than 2.350 at all...it always crashes at that point.like LArge battles where the AI is about x 80?? always a crash.


This is old thread.

If I correctly remember, this is from time before "4gb patch".

Before that skyrim could only use 2gb of memory, and thus when it goes over it, it crashed.

That was only because consoles limited the game, however, later 4gb enabler made it into official patch and thus it's not the problem anymore.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to add that, 'Shoudnt Get ANY Crashes On ANY game" is a stupid thing to say. Games crash, no matter how fancy a rig is. And if you mod it, its 50% MORE likely to crash. Its just how games are, ALL games crash. How OFTEN differs on what the rig is, what game it is, and if its modded, or how heavily modded. I get Battlefield 3 crashes every so often. No mods of course. And my rig runs BF3 at 120 FPS so it isn't a machine problem. Its just how games work.

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My system has 12gb ram and an i7 930 cpu. Ever since I started using the "Mod organizer" and BOSS I do not get CTD's. The only time I have gotten CTD's was when I tried to save during the Vemina's Devotion quest after the Dreamwalking... but that is a known bug. My game also runs very smoothly between 51-59 FPS. As members here have shown me, mod order, mod installation order and proper mod UN-installation are a must.


The MO program should be mandatory for using any mods. As should TES5Edit.

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Ultra Settings DOES NOT CROSS The Memory limit of 2.345 As This guy said.

it Doesnt even get to 2.100MB

25 mods ...? i have about 255 And i have the same problem as alij8000.

also i have a beast rig.

i think this should be looked into.he might be onto something

never seen the game use more than 2.350 at all...it always crashes at that point.like LArge battles where the AI is about x 80?? always a crash.

Yes, 25 mods (albeit more now and still stable). That's the point actually, I like to chose the mods to install so the game don't lose the character and becomes a confuse mess. Hardly I ran two overhauls at same time for that would probably kill the experience each one brings.


The mention of my rig was to say it is far from so good as yours and I get no crashes in Skyrim for long time now. What was meant was overloading the system is not the best way to get it stable.


Edit - the amount of memory is related to the number of threads the game can deal at same time, before the patch to 64 bits lack of memory management capacity could be the cause of crashes but telling the game is crashing for not "having" more memory is a long shot for it's not it is trying to get more and don't having, actually it can't even fill the max as yourself noticed, what is causing crash in your setup is something else, those much mods almost certainly is causing some kind of problem. Remember that having many mods don't imply they are all active at same time, then is not only the quantity but how they behave together. More mods, greater the chances for conflicts.

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