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Crashing In Fallout 3 ( Mod Problem(s) )


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I modded my Fallout 3 game quite heavily, and lately when I have been trying to start Fallout 3 through FOSE, it just crashes on start-up. There will be a black screen that appears for about a second or two, before an error message saying " Fallout 3 has stopped working "

I suspect it could be the few mods that I just deleted to clear up space, but they were just small individual mods, and were not linked to any other mods in my order list. I have no idea what to do, so can someone help me?

I didn't check the Vault 101 Revisited mod because it was conflicting with the beginning sequence in the game ( When you are in Vault 101 for the first time ). Also didn't check the Groovatron mod, because I wanted space for other mods.

I also have updated Fallout 3 to the latest patch, and have enabled Archive Invalidated through the FOSE ( Version 0.12.6. ) I have also tried the FOSE.exe compatibility fix, it didn't work. Any help would be appreciated :D


Here's my Load Order.


[X] Fallout3.esm


[X] CRAFT.esm

[X] CALIBR.esm

[X] CRAFT - Workbench and Crafting Expansion combined.esp

[X] Project Beauty.esm

[X] Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp

[X] Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esm

[X] Anchorage.esm

[X] BrokenSteel.esm

[X] PointLookout.esm

[X] Zeta.esm

[X] EVE.esm

[X] EWE Energy Weapons Enhanced.esm

[X] ThePitt.esm

[X] DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm

[X] Mothership Crew.esm

[X] CubeExperimental (EN).esm

[X] StreetLights.esm

[ ] Vault 101 Revisited.esm

[X] Apocalypse Armory.esm

[X] AWorldOfPainFO3.esm

[X] CrowdedCities_v2.esp

[X] ImaginatorFO3.esp

[X] RH_IronSights_Basic_VanillaPlugin.esp

[X] RH_IronSights_Basic_AnchoragePlugin.esp

[X] RH_IronSights_Basic_PittPlugin.esp

[X] RH_IronSights_Basic_BrokenSteelPlugin.esp

[X] RH_IronSights_Basic_PointLookoutPlugin.esp

[X] RH_IronSights_Basic_ZetaPlugin.esp

[X] RH_IronSights_Pitt_NewRifleSights.esp

[X] RH_IronSights_PL_NewItems.esp

[X] RH_IronSights_RemoveReticule.esp

[X] Apocalypse Armory - DLC Enhancements.esp

[X] Apocalypse Armory.esp

[X] MaxLevel100.esp

[X] UPP - Pack 1.esp

[X] UPP - Original Perks.esp

[X] UPP - Beverage Perks.esp

[X] UPP - Quest Perks.esp

[X] UPP - Experience Perks.esp

[X] UPP - Pack 2.esp

[X] StreetLights - Wasteland.esp

[X] GNR Enhanced.esp

[X] BA_WastelandRestoration.esp

[X] URWLRain.esp

[X] Sensible Dismemberment Lite.esp

[X] Core Robots - The Gusty.esp

[X] Bigtown upgraded.esp

[X] dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp

[X] Core Robots - The Protectrons.esp

[X] Fellout-BrokenSteel.esp

[X] EVE Operation Anchorage.esp

[X] Fellout-Anchorage.esp

[X] Fellout-Zeta.esp

[X] Core Robots - The Handy.esp

[X] Core Robots - The Eyebots.esp

[X] Core Robots - The Robobrains.esp

[X] Thermoptic PowerArmor Helmets.esp

[X] BusworldV1.05d.esp

[X] DK_BulletTime.esp

[X] DeadlyTurrets.esp

[X] ACE2-1b.esp

[X] =Extreme=MotionBlur1.1.esp

[X] =Extreme+Far=DOF1.1.esp

[X] Enclave Radio Enhanced.esp

[X] [uU] Unique Uniques .04.esp


[X] AutoAim_6000_v1.0.esp

[X] PureWater-VeryCleanLittleRad-.esp

[X] Hi-Res Weapons & Ammo Textures - The Pitt.esp

[X] Fellout-Full.esp

[X] Fellout-PointLookout.esp

[X] Fellout Brighter Nights.esp

[X] Fellout Brighter Nights - Point Lookout.esp

[X] RaiderMercenaryExpanded[MMM].esp

[X] EWE Supermutant Energy Weapons.esp

[X] EWE Load Order Fix.esp

[X] EWE DLC Addon.esp

[X] RH_EVE_Bridge.esp

[X] FortIndependenceRedesigned.esp

[X] Existence2.0.esp

[X] RegulatorHQRedesigned.esp

[X] CONELRAD 640-1240.esp

[X] Zumbs' Console Mod.esp

[X] Billboard Camps.esp

[X] MTC Wasteland Travellers.esp

[X] MTC Wasteland Travellers (Optional)- Crowded Cities.esp

[X] bltc.esp

[X] BLTC Less Addictions.esp

[X] FalloutFood.esp

[X] BoSPatrols.esp

[X] Regulators.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp

[X] CRAFT - WCE Warmonger Addon.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp

[X] deadly animals vanilla ghouls.esp

[X] MrSlackPants-Radiation.esp

[X] DarNifiedUIF3.esp

[X] Item Descriptions Img.esp

[X] RadioTenpenny.esp

[X] Agatha Radio Enhanced.esp

[X] XFO_misc_tweaks.esp

[X] CRAFT - Clutter Conversions.esp

[X] XFO_Pacing_med.esp

[X] XFO_Weapskill_dmg_and_accuracy_mild.esp

[X] XFO_SP_Fix2_(SP10_TAGx2_INTxHalf).esp

[X] XFO_rarity_drugs_high.esp

[X] XFO_rarity_ammo_mild.esp

[X] XFO_barter_fix_mild.esp

[X] XFO_VATSdmg_50.esp

[X] XFO_food_water_changes.esp

[X] XFO_Timescale_med.esp

[X] XFO_Weapon_Jamming.esp

[X] XFO_Cripple_fixes.esp

[X] XFO_Speed_increase.esp

[X] XFO_Karma_changes.esp

[X] JHB House Robots Can Repair.esp

[X] Binoculars and Scopes.esp

[X] tubrrCompound.esm

[X] tubRRCompound.esp

[X] NPC Height Randomizer Less Variance.esp

[X] Responsive Kill Reactions.esp

[X] Ammo Crazy 5 - Small stacks - No Uniques - Scrap Metal - Basic Weapons.esp

[X] megalight.esp

[X] Project Genesis.esm

[X] T51bOverhaul.esp

[ ] The Groovatron.esp

[ ] The Groovatron_DLC_Anch_Addon.esp

[ ] The Groovatron_DLC_Pitt_Addon.esp

[ ] The Groovatron_DLC_PL_Addon.esp

[X] Essential Caravan Merchants.esp

[X] COL Enclave Hell.esp

[X] COL Enclave VER2.esp

[X] NAPA.esp

[X] Dree Perks Point Lookout.esp

[X] Dree Perks Broken Steel.esp

[X] Dree Perks.esp

[X] Dree Perks Pitts.esp

[X] Dree Perks Anchorage.esp

[X] Dree Perks Mothership Zeta.esp

[X] Loki_HistoricSpeeches_v1.esp

[X] Ol Hick Radio.esp

[X] X-1_Tales_of_Wonder!.esp

[X] SP_Comm_Relay2.esp

[X] CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp

[X] CALIBRxMerchant.esp

[X] Stealthboy Recon Armor - CRAFT.esp

[X] UndergroundHideout.esp

[X] Laulas More Food.esp

[X] More Food - Broken Steel Patch.esp

[X] More Food - Distributed.esp

[X] Megaton Return.esp

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First off, you load order is a mess. No wonder you are crashing when loading. .esm (master file) must load first, starting with Fallout3.esm, followed by the Fallout DLC. The only exception is Streetlights.esm. Read the ReadMe. Read the ReadMe for all your mods. Download and install BOSS http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/10193

Download and install FO3Edit http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/637 and the training manual http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/8629 and read the training manual.

You should also read this http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/120735-how-to-install-mods-for-fallout-3/ and http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/652876-fallout-3-modding-and-you/

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