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Is there a way to turn error checking in the CS ini

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It's so rare that I ever look at a single error. Almost always I hit the "Yes to all" button so I may as well turn it off if I can. "Order of the Dragon" EV is so difficult I load the CS every time before I start the game. I have to kill 5 min. before the 1st error and then "yes to all" and then I have another 5 min. to kill. It would be nice if I didn't have to attend the loading.


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Thanks for the reply. That would be a good idea if I could do it. There are hundreds of errors that seemingly don't cause trouble in the game. It seems like all large mods have some errors. Even Vilja has errors and if Emma and CDCooley have left those errors then I thought that's just part of Oblivion.

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I guess it's not as many as I thought. Maybe they could be fixed. I might look into it as soon as I get my more pressing problems fixed. I actually did fix one error accidentally when I was working on why the map addon mod wasn't working. Thanks


Referenced object list on Script (00000000) '' is corrupt. Expected 4 objects, found 3.
Errors were encountered during InitItem for result script on quest stage 160, quest 'ODDDesertNekroQuest' (01054BF1)

See Warnings file for more information.
Referenced object list on Script (00000000) '' is corrupt. Expected 15 objects, found 14.
Errors were encountered during InitItem for result script on quest stage 170, quest 'ODDDesertNekroQuest' (01054BF1)

See Warnings file for more information.
Referenced object list on Script (0106E78E) 'ODDDesertNek01FeuerschaleAScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106E799) 'ODDDesertNek01FeuerschaleBScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106E7A0) 'ODDDesertNek02FeuerschaleAScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F0A1) 'ODDDesertNek02FeuerschaleBScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F0A5) 'ODDDesertNek02FeuerschaleCScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F0A8) 'ODDDesertNek02FeuerschaleDScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F0AE) 'ODDDesertNek02FeuerschaleEScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F0B2) 'ODDDesertNek02FeuerschaleFScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F0B6) 'ODDDesertNek02FeuerschaleGScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F840) 'ODDDesertNek03FeuerschaleAScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F844) 'ODDDesertNek03FeuerschaleBScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F848) 'ODDDesertNek03FeuerschaleCScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F84C) 'ODDDesertNek03FeuerschaleDScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F850) 'ODDDesertNek03FeuerschaleEScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F854) 'ODDDesertNek04FeuerschaleAScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F858) 'ODDDesertNek04FeuerschaleBScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F860) 'ODDDesertNek05FeuerschaleAScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F85C) 'ODDDesertNek05FeuerschaleBScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F864) 'ODDDesertNek06FeuerschaleAScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F868) 'ODDDesertNek06FeuerschaleBScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F86C) 'ODDDesertNek06FeuerschaleCScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.
Referenced object list on Script (0106F870) 'ODDDesertNek07FeuerschaleAScript' is corrupt. Expected 6 objects, found 5.

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