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Problem with the armed Xivilai


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Hi guys,

I'm new here in this forum and I hope, someone can help me:


I first have to say, that my Oblivion is heavily modded (environment, NPC, horse, weapons) but no mod should have some influence to those creatures except the quantity (Morecreatures.esp). The bug concerns only this one damned creature: the armed Xivilai (in German "Bewaffneter Xivilai" - ... you see, I play the German version).


At a certain point in the game after passing an Oblivion-Gate like many times before (I didn't install a mod straight at this time) I couldn't win against those armed Xivila any more - They're really god-... or I should better say devil-like (for that kind of creature). With this bug I defeated only one of them in a fifty-minutes-fight!! It was an interesting experience, but I don't want to do that again and again!


As a possibly solution I downloaded the construction set - but I never worked with it on my own before. I compared the values in Stats with those creatures I knew that I still can defeat in the game. But I couldn't see something suspicous. I tried to decrease the stats of this Xivilai and created a correction-esp. But in the game there was no difference (I deleted the correction mod after failing the "field-test")!


I don't want to deactivate all the mods. The last time, I had to do it (for changing my comp.) wasn't very successful; it needes 2 or 3 weeks after I had a acceptable version again.


Could someone help me to modify this creature (maybe with screenshots of the construction set with the normal stats to get a correction by making a further esp-file and also with information what to do except changing those values).


By the way: Has anyone an idea, what yould couse such a bug?


Thank you in advance!


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It would help to know what mod (link?) you are using to alter/add the armoured Xivilai. Also, remember that Xivilai have an innate ability to absorb magicka, so don't use spells against them, except for spells like 'Silence', and maybe 'Shock', as they are weak to that. Do not use fire! I don't recall if magic enhanced weapons are affected. Also remember that Xivilai level up with your character.
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At first, thank you for your response.


Magic is not involved, I tried it with a daedric Mace and some swords (not enchanted) - the health of the xivilai wasn't affected in that way, that anyone could see it. I don't know which mod is responsible for that. Every mod was already deactivated since that problem [i deactivated always only one mod for trying this, but I couldn't find out, which one is my problem].


- Or could a mod cause a modification/bug in the oblivion.esm?


- One hour ago I sighted the values in the construction set again. => Could a suspicous entry in the SpellList also cause such a problem?? (see attachment)

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The stats of the Xivilai in your attachment match what I see in Oblivion.esm, so with the difficulty acting as one would expect, I can only think that your character stats are not sufficient to face a foe of that magnitude -- that's a guess.
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When you say you tried making changes to the Xivilai in the Construction Set did you try to make your own esp (meaning did you have Oblivion.esm and the esp from this mod checked but did not make the Xivilai mod active)? If so you wouldn't see any of the changes you made in the 'MyXivilaiChanges.esp' (or whatever you named your mod) because of something called mod De-Isolation. In a nutshell you can't create a mod with an ESP as a master ... it must be an ESM.


Make a copy of the original Xivilai mod's ESP and then edit the original directly in the CS (by making it active). Make your changes and save the mod. Test it in game and if your changes didn't make any difference you can just restore the original from your backup.

Edited by Striker879
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