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Fallout 4 lockup (completely freezes)


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hi guys, so it turns out that my XMP was never actually enabled lol, and it can actually make a huge difference in performance. i decided to test it enabled and disabled and here are the results:


Fallout 4 Completely unmodded, title screen (i am using an enb - using the title screen as that is where the CPU and GPU would be fair game, either way check the results below) - uncapped frame rate


i7 7700k @4.5 Ghz (turbo boost) - Dram 2133 (XMP Disabled) = 660 FPS min - 665 fps Max


i7 7700k @4.5 GHz (turbo boost) - Dram 2666 (XPM Enabled) = 685 FPS Min - 690 Fps Max


so yea, 15 fps boost by enabling it, that is pretty damn significant boost in performance, this can result in going from 45 fps to 60 fps, just by enabling XMP


unknown how stable this will be in the long run, but my motherboard can handle upto 3800 dram, and my dram is rated for 2666 mhz


however the i7 7700k limit is 2400 mhz dram. so yes memory is classed as overclocking.


I don't think that this is how it works. Going from 660 to 685 fps is an increase of about 3.8%. From 45 to 60 is an increase of 33%. That's not nearly the same.


But then you have the choice between 3-5% more performance or a stable game. Choose your poison.


Also. your 7700k is way newer than my 6850k and I do have quad channel which doubles the bandwith compared to the dual channel non-HEDT boards offer.

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I don't think that this is how it works.


And You would be correct, in the title screen the engine is essentially "freewheel burning". That number, while funny to look at, has little implication on the game.
I have 1200+ fps in the title screen, I still get low thirties in some bad areas (Trinity Tower anyone) with full mod loadout.
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I don't think that this is how it works.


And You would be correct, in the title screen the engine is essentially "freewheel burning". That number, while funny to look at, has little implication on the game.
I have 1200+ fps in the title screen, I still get low thirties in some bad areas (Trinity Tower anyone) with full mod loadout.




Yeah those areas downtown (Trinity Tower or Boston Commons) are badly optimized and therefore result in way too many draw calls. If I remember correctly you're simply limited by how many draw calls DX11 can handle per second (on a single thread as FO4 doesn't use proper DX11-MT). In some (city) areas (depending on your hardware) you can also run into DRAM bandwidth limit. I've tested it with some tool from Intel that can read the memory bandwidth utilization and the game can easily go up to 50+ GB/s on the DRAM. I have no idea what Bethesda thought back when they released that game...

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That game engine is dung heap of epic proportions, and it can't utilise the hardware in any efficient way.

And if it wasn't for all the absolutely brilliant modders on Nexus, I would have ditched this game a very, very long time ago.

Btw, I've drastically cut down on my load times by binding the fps limiter in my ENB to a key. When the load screen starts I push the key to remove the limiter (thanks to a tip from RedRocketTV), the fps goes up to anything from 400 to 900 fps and the load screen takes 3-5 seconds. In heavy areas, maybe 10-15 secs....huge difference.

When the loading has finished I enable the limiter again.

Doesn't solve the fps problem in-game, but at least no more endless waiting...... :)

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Hm. For me it doesnât make any noticeable difference whether I uncap the framerate during load screens or not. I also get like only 250 FPS during load screens (uncapped).


My system is probably bottlenecked by something...



Yeah. Iâve already âžacceptedâ that I have to play with framerates in the high 40s in heavier areas downtown. Or like 20 FPS in one of my settlements because I built way to much stuff there...

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Hm. For me it doesnât make any noticeable difference whether I uncap the framerate during load screens or not. I also get like only 250 FPS during load screens (uncapped).


My system is probably bottlenecked by something...



Yeah. Iâve already âžacceptedâ that I have to play with framerates in the high 40s in heavier areas downtown. Or like 20 FPS in one of my settlements because I built way to much stuff there...

Grab this mod if you have not done so already: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26286


it can help drastically in performance tanking areas.


it will help drastically if the performance issues is because of broken precombines, however if its because of draw calls, then ye, no gains.


scrapping mods can break precombines, so this mod could help their as well with regards to settlements, assuming you are using a scrapping mod, which i like to believe you are, if your serious about settlement building.


i would suggest placing linked mod at the very bottom of the load order, as i believe this mod should have maximum priority. at the very least to override any mod that may break precombines.

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Oh.. BTW I found the root cause of the freezes. XMP wasn't "really" the cause. It was an incompatible microcode update that Windows 10 loaded on boot up. I found this out while wondering why my OC on the CPU isn't applied in Windows (just the voltage was... what a waste of power).


As I'm already on build 1903, which include this "fix" (which isn't working at all) and there is no BIOS update for my board, I just deleted the Microcode loader out of windows and now the game also works with XMP... stable. Not sure whether this is just lazy ASUS, making mistakes and not fixing them or lazy Microsoft, breaking windows with updates (as usual). They (Intel or ASUS) probably wanted me to buy a new CPU (and mobo)... :devil:



Sources (or just google for "Windows 10 Broadwell E"):







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