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Question, a list of obtainable miniatures and/or ways to shrink power armor to create for shelfs


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I tried googling, and reading forums cannot find answer. So I know there is a mod called ' functional display's that shows and that has a bunch of miniature items, dogmeat, power armor, liberty prime, super mutants and I also know there is 8 miniature robots in game you can collect. , I really don't want to install the functional displays mod to get those items due to seems like a lot of bug reports. The question is in the game do these items already exist miniaturized or is there another way to make - get these items miniaturized for shelf display? Like a mod with less bugs or a list of where to obtain the in game items that are miniaturized, seems to me the only thing I could find was the 8 robots.



I have tried taking power armor and shrinking it with mods I have to shrink but seems I have no way to click on the power armor to shrink it. Even a mod I downloaded had a display case in the mod that had a miniaturized power armor but i cannot click on it to clone it. That mod is sanctuary hot springs. Maybe these items already exist and/or I am just not finding it on google or forums. thanks

Edited by mm22005
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You can try Place Everywhere, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9424, it has many options, one of which will change an item's scale to make bigger or smaller. It can also let you enable moving objects that you could normally not move in workshop mode, such as power armor. I don't know however, if power armor scale could be made small enough to go on a shelf. Look at it, check it out carefully, there's a lot to the mod. :) Otherwise, I have not seen a mod like you're talking about.

Good luck.

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. thanks for the info and yes I have place everywhere but you cannot target power armor, unless I am not doing it correctly It is quite frustrating because the hot springs mod has many unique things in that mod and been searching for weeks how to do this or that and find out how he/she did those things. Miniature creatures, miniature power armors, miniature liberty prime and then other things too like rotating powered chem sign, emblems /statues of workshop logos like chemistry etc.

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With Place Everywhere, you need to enable Extra Object Selection by toggling the INSERT key. Once you do that you can target power armor, and lots of other items that you normally can't. You should then be able to scale the power armor using the scaling keys (1 for down, 3 for up on the numpad I believe...going from memory. The mod description should have a full list of the default hot keys). Pretty sure you can only scale items down as far as 10% so that might not be small enough for want you want, but you can give it a shot.

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