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Essential mods?


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There are no "essential" mods (except the patches. 1.05 is the most recent).


DAO is an excellent game out-of-the-box. Every experienced player I've seen post on this issue recommends the same thing; "Play it without any mods at all the first time." After that, you'll have a much better idea of the kinds of things you might like to try, and a much better appreciation of changes the mods produce.


DAO is one of those games that rewards multiple playthroughs because so much of it changes based on the different choices you make. From what origin you pick to which Companions you take along for which parts of the story, there's a tremendous amount of variation. :thumbsup:

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I would agree to play the game mod free the first time or two or even three, by then you will know what you would like to change or try and understand what the mods do to the game.


However, I would make an exception to this for the dialogue fixes. In a game with this much dialogue there was no way everything would work perfectly and the dialogue fixes allow you to enjoy the game the way it was meant to be. It was an odd experience for me to have characters doing and saying things that didn't seem to make sense only to find out later the dialogue was bugged!


I would recommend DT (Dialogue Tweaks), ZDF (Zeveran Dialgue Fixes) and MRP (Morrigan Restoration Patch), they are compatible with each other (may be some minor changes that you will need to make to override, or download specific version of the mod, be sure to read the 'read me' and descriptions for all) and don't change anything about the game only fixing bugged dialogue and restoring scenes that are part of the game but don't play in the vanilla version.

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  On 10/2/2012 at 1:26 AM, Canderis said:

What about graphics enhancement mods? Any good ones of those I should check out?

In my experience, not really. There are a few "higher definition texture packs", (JB3 seems to be the most popular.) But honestly, the Eclipse engine itself and the fact that the game was developed for the DX9 renderer are the limiting factors. Unless you really, really like the "amped-up sharpening and colour saturation" (which just makes things look more cartoony to me) I don't see any point.

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The other problem with the retext packages is that they will slow the game down. Even if you have the most super amped up computer ever, the game can only handle so much. I agree with Thandel, to me it isn't worth it. And to be honest, if the textures of the world are that big of an issue for you that you find you can't play the game without it, this probably isn't your game anyway. If the second time through (and trust me if this is your thing you will play it a second time) you think the trade off is worth it, more power to you. But I would go the first time without it.


Along with the dialogue fixes you may want to look through for other fixes, quests that are bugged, things are should be obtainable but aren't, stuff like that. Again I would go fixes only the first time and then you will know what you want to change for next playthough. I know we keep saying what to do on a first playthough, assuming of course you play it a second time, but like I said, if this is your thing you will play it a second, third and more times. The game itself has great replay value without any mods at all. Enjoy!

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I was thinking about what I would say to someone on their second playthough regarding 'essential' mods, and in truth there are none. There are popular ones, but really each individual has there own set of what they consider to be 'essential' What I would say is this, as you play the game for the first time, if you ever have the thought about 'boy I wish I could do this' or 'why don't they have this?' or 'I want something to do that' or 'Dear Maker, why do they do that?' remember that and write it down. and when you start modding, start with that list. For me personally, I desperately wanted a storage chest, so that was the first mod I installed; for me playing as a female rogue, I hated the available hair, now for a male character, may not be a big deal; I wished the dog was a different color and that there was better looking rogue armor; if you play as a warrior or mage, won't matter to you, etc. Don't just install a mod because it sounds cool or is popular, you can have too many mods, consentrate on the ones that matter to you and will enhance your game.
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Yup. There really aren't any "essential" mods. Only the ones that make the game play a little more the way any individual would like. So my "essential" ones (Skip the Fade, Equal Love) might be your "Meh..."


There are some broken dialogue trees that MRP, and ZDF, and the like repair. And there are Fixpacks (e.g. Qwinn's, and DA Core Rules) that address specific problems with the game consistently applying its own rules, and there are facemorphs galore. But none of those are "essential" to enjoying the game.


And despite it's flaws, the vanilla game is remarkably (re-)playable. Nothing that prevents a satisfying playthrough, and it leaves one wanting to try again!

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