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stuck in sneak


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After doing a clean reinstall of oldrim vanilla, I managed to get my original small list of mods reinstalled as well. Everything is looking good except now I'm stuck in sneak. There is no indicator that I'm stuck in sneak nor whether I'm hidden or detected but if I check out third person, my character is crouched. And no matter how many times I punch the sneak toggle key the perspective never changes--I don't stand up. And I'm noy moving very fast either.


Hoping someone can offer a solution or a way to resolve this issue...I was feeling pretty good about this new game until this happened.


Oh, and one other thing...when I tried to 'favorite' a torch I got a message saying that I couldn't???

Edited by MacSuibhne
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Thank you. I'll try that.


Is there nothing else that might solve this? No other ideas? I've gone to a lot of trouble to reinstall and create a clean vanilla game and it's very disappointing and frustrating to have this glitch appear.

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Stuck in sneak can happen if you saved in sneak and load that savegame. It happen to me too sometimes. If you can do some other animation like sit, or mining or lay down, then you can continue on a normal way. Sometimes you can reload the save and it is fine too. Worst case is if you have to load an earlier save. But i don't think it is related to any mod.

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