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i need a recommendation

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Corsair has a new line of cases called Vengeance. The actual case is called the C70 and comes in three colors green, white, and black. I have the white one which I am using for a new build and it is fantastic.


Also I would strongly recommend any one of the Hydro series coolers from Corsair. My H80 (and I hear some of the H100) make a bit of a pump noise when on low fan settings, but it isn't too bad. Honestly its hardly louder than your HDD and sounds about the same.


Do you plan on overclocking that 3770K?

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idk what your budget is or what youll be doing. but these are some basic recommendations. the PSU is overkill. you can get cheaper ones such as the TX 650W V2. which is like $90 i think. but with expensive high end stuff like the CPU and GPU youre getting, id figured youd want the best, and the AX series by corsair (what i listed) is just that. very stable and very efficient. as well as quiet and cool.



to bad that the psu is out of stock :/. where else can i buy it?


edit:nvm, found another one

Edited by TheDimitrijSquirrel
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