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Wield a one hande sword as a two hander


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So on my current char im not using ant shields and im wielding the dragon sword(its on the nexus) and was wondering how can i make it a two hander(just the animations everything else should stay like 1 handers) So id need some help doing that. Thx in advance xD
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Either switch the Animations in the Art and sound to the twohanded, or copy and rename the 2h animation files to the onehanded name.



When i switch the animations in art and sound the sword becomes invisible in my hands xD There must be more to it than that.

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@overdose123 - to do what you want you will need to edit the properties of the weapon in the associated Nif files using Nifskope.Then use the CK to switch the 1H values to 2H.


The only drawback being that if you alter a vanilla weapon this way it will effect all instances of that weapon in game.If you are working with a custom weapon that only the player character wields then no problem.

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