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Companion AI bug


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For awhile now I've been having a AI bug with Cait. For awhile now I had Cait tag along with me and I have been trying to fix a bug in her AI where she literally runs away from any enemy to crouch and hide from the combat. I've tried a few companion mods to try to fix this but none of them did.


It may be worthe mentioning that previously when I had first gotten Cait, I had her on farming duty in the sanctuary settlement. At the time I had just gotten Piper so I was not interested in having yet another companion with me at the time. I would say that mabye her AI switched to that of a farming settler, but even they fight back. Also I tried putting her on gaurd duty to see if it would fix her AI -- once at sanctuary, which did put her on gaurd duty but did not fix her AI and a second time at vault 88 when I had decided to pick her up again. The attempt at vault 88 did not work since it would not let me select her to assign her. At this point in time she was not actually a follower so it should have worked.


As for other followers, Piper's AI still works perfectly. Same as Preston,dog meat, and Ada. As well as any automatrons I build -- though not entirely worthe mentioning since I believe automatrons have different AI's to begin with.


I have also tried console commands such as:

setconsolescopequest followers

emptyrefalias companion

setplayerteammate 0


and I have also tried to re-complete her quest through console commands:

completequest 0002074b


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what fixed this issue for me was:

selecting the npc (doesn't matter if its before or after this next step)

going into console ("~" key) and typing in "help aggression 4"

the above console command will give you a numerical name for something along the lines of "AVI"

with the npc selected type "resetai"

then type "SETAV" or "FORCEAV", the numerical name as said above and then "2" or "3"


putting aggression to "2" will make the companion attack ONLY if they are hit

putting it to "3" makes them attack any enemy in their line of sight automatically

- the highest you can put them is "4" which puts them in a state of frenzy. they will also attack you if their aggression is 4


following the same steps for confidence -- "confidence 4"

for this i had put the companion's confidence to 4. doing so causes them to never run away from combat.

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