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Myhold property not set


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When I install mods I get this script error myHold property not set. Boss doesn't ping any of the mods as not working and the error persists even if I remove all the mods. I have gone through my mod list several times and there just doesn't seem to be any origin of this error.
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To me it sounds like an old script reference that's left in your save game. The associated esp is long gone, even the script itself could be long gone or modified/replaced, but whatever object was running the script is still present and thinks it needs to fill that now non-existant property with something.


have you tried a completely brand new game with or without mods to see if this error happens?

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No this is what I get when I try to run a new game. When I run a save it just crashes till I run a new game then it starts doing the same.


Oh and my Pathfinder character is a Paladin/Cleric.

Edited by Eegxeta
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I suggest you try the following:

Give this a good read: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Make_Skyrim_Vanilla_Again

Just be careful if you've got Wrye Bash or SKSE installed some of their directories might get deleted if you blindly followed the steps like I did. SKSE not that big of a deal, but WB could be.


If you cannot have Steam validate your game, then this is most likely your problem. You need a valid fully patched game.

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I still have one question. Is there a limit to how many mods you can use at once? No matter how stupid it sounds it is the only thing that explains the error. It survived two hard drive wipes. Edited by Eegxeta
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You can have an unlimited number of loose file mods which replace textures, scripts, animations, etc. But you are limited on the number of plugins that the game can process. That limit is 255, whether it includes the original Skyrim.esm or not I do not know. However, DLC esm or esp files do get counted in the 255 limit.


On the flip side, not all computers can handle 'the max'. Many players are unwillingly limited in how many plugins and/or textures, animations, etc that they can use before their game becomes unstable.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm getting it again. I finally got around to trying skyrim again and the first thing that happens the world won't load so I uncheck a mod start it up again and boom my hold property not set and this is from hitting new game. Load game got it too but after it loaded making my character blond, naked and faceless. Edited by Eegxeta
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Maybe you should post the errors. But it sounds like a typical Hearthfires trace message to me. That DLC prints a lot of new messages to my logs. Edited by steve40
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  • 2 months later...
  On 10/19/2012 at 6:13 AM, steve40 said:

Maybe you should post the errors. But it sounds like a typical Hearthfires trace message to me. That DLC prints a lot of new messages to my logs.


I started getting this long before I got Hearthfires and before it existed. I started getting it at the same time I tried to use SkyRe and I started using it when it hit mod of the month. I took screenshots of the errors.


[WETriggerScript <01099883>]WARNING: Onlnit() myHoldLocation property has not been set, this will result in errors.


[WETriggerScript <010D13EA>]WARNING: Onlnit() myHoldLocation property has not been set, this will result in errors.


[WETriggerScript <01099887>]WARNING: Onlnit() myHoldLocation property has not been set, this will result in errors.


This is the three things that pop up. Not sure what order they pop up in.


What triggers this is changing a mod in NMM after I have started a game, that includes installing, uninstalling, installing and uninstalling before starting the game again, activating(checking), deactivating(unchecking), and updating.


These messages only appear once I try to start a new game. If I try to load a game Skyrim just crashes.


I tried to pin it down on a mod, but I was able to trigger this with any combination of mods, but never with mods I've gotten from the Steam workshop.


I now believe that the error is created by NMM, but I have no way of confirming this because this problem seems to be unique to me.


I have found the only way to "fix" the error so far is to delete the skyrim folder in steam delete the skyrim folder in my games and reinstall everything. It is a real pain in the butt so I stopped playing Skyrim for a long time.

Edited by Eegxeta
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