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TAWoBA Light sets


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I know there's a mod out there that converts Nise Tanaka's The Amazing World of Bikini Armor to light armor instead of the default heavy, but has anyone attempted to actually make the light armor sets?

By my count the only sets needed are:






For added flavor you could include light Imperial, but whatever. Hide and leather are already in the main file, but they're the only light sets available aside from a couple of Blades armor pieces.

I am seriously considering taking this project up myself since it has been years that these sets have been missing. I'm really hoping I don't have to because maybe someone else is already working on it???

If anyone is interested, I don't think I'll have any problems modeling the pieces and getting them weighted in Blender (especially now that 2.8 has come out and made the interface so much better for a Maya user like me). The real problem will be converting the nif files and creating the package to put in the game, a task I have NEVER gotten to work right despite how many tutorials I've read. Also...I play Oldrim, so don't expect me to convert it over any time soon. I know I should switch, but there's still a couple of my "must have" mods that aren't available for SE.

Edited by hopventure
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