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Skyrim SE CTD after Windows update today


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No. I mean create a shortcut to your windows desktop from skse_loader64.exe (or whatever it's real name is...I'm back on linux and can't check the actual name right now)


yes, that's what my theory is. something's screwy with MO2 (analogy to "something's wrong with a vortex game loader"). Not saying it *is*, but using the more direct approach is a sure bet if it loads the game correctly. If not, no harm done. just delete the shortcut.


So... go to whatever directory that SKSE is in, right click on the SKSE loader executable, create shortcut. then copy or move that short cut to the desktop, then try running the load from that location


best wishes.

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I had the exact same issue, game ran fine yesterday, started skse (thro shortcut as anjen was suggesting, thats always how I start my skyrim) today it would either get to title screen and ctd after a couple seconds or it would flat out ctd right before the logo. I ruled out modding as I didn't change any file, no skse/skyrim update either.


I always keep an entire backup of a previous stable skyrim install just in case some modding goes wrong, booted that one up, exact same issue. Started looking around, people are complaining about similar issues after latest win10 update (yay microsoft as usual) but I actually havent updated that yet, been putting it off for nearly a month so thats not the issue. After that i remmebered letting steam update itself either yesterday or the day before. Curiously enough, the ctd we're experiencing happens at the same time the steam overlay starts up (4-5 seconds in), so i figured I'd check for another steam update, there was one. Had steam update itself again and the issue seems to have gone away, so my bet is the steam overlay was causing the issue and that was fixed in the last update.


Give it a shot.

Edited by kalipou
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