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Getting Vampiric Drain to level Destruction?


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If that would be possible, I'd be extremely grateful. :) I like the idea behind the spell, but it's incredibly weak damage and the fact that it doesn't level destruction kinda kills it for me. Or even if it's not possible, just creating a new spell with the same effects but more powerful and able to increase destruction would be awesome. I'm more worried about the leveling part, since I do know how to change damage and all that in the Creation Kit myself, but I'm absolutely horrendous at scripting lol. It would just complete the whole vampire experience. :D


So if either of those things are possible, I'd love it! :D

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here is what I'd attempt to do, but I've not tried cause I don't play vampire


either add to an existing script on the vampiric drain effect or add a whole new script either of which would have the following property & if statement



;to help out with leveling the magic class
float property skillAdvancement = 15.0 auto

EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
objectReference caster = akCaster
If caster == Game.GetPlayer()

Obviously not a full script... the reason to use a property rather than a hard set value is so you can adjust the value without having to modify the script every time, if you felt that it needs to level more or less.


A second script might be the better route as the existing script is also shared by the non player vampires. However the if check should prevent them from leveling their destruction.

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I don't think I can say just how baffling scripting is to me lol. :P I'm still a newbie with the CK, so I only really know super basic stuff, heh. I actually did try this before, but all I ended up doing was giving myself a migraine. Appreciate the help though! :D


Also I love your sig lol.

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