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Animating triggers with Nifskope


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I've ported over some of my favorite guns from Fallout 3, but I've noticed that the trigger isn't animated during the firing sequence. Looking around in Nifskope, I see that guns ported over by other people have a separate Trigger node. I would like to add one to a weapon that doesn't have it. Can someone give me an idea on how to do this? I apologize but I'm learning Nifskope from the ground up, so please use layman's terms, if possible. It would be much appreciated.
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The trigger mesh needs to be a separate object, to start with, then it needs to be attached to the trigger node. Easiest and fastest way to do that, in my opinion, is importing (or opening) the weapon in Blender or max (whatever you're using) and doing any modifications necessary. Then, simply re-export the model. Don't expect something awesome, though, if I remember right, in some anims, the trigger isn't animated at all and in others it's badly animated (it rotates slightly sideways). Edited by Heffy
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I've ported over some of my favorite guns from Fallout 3, but I've noticed that the trigger isn't animated during the firing sequence. Looking around in Nifskope, I see that guns ported over by other people have a separate Trigger node. I would like to add one to a weapon that doesn't have it. Can someone give me an idea on how to do this? I apologize but I'm learning Nifskope from the ground up, so please use layman's terms, if possible. It would be much appreciated.



"The trigger mesh needs to be a separate object, to start with, then it needs to be attached to the trigger node. Easiest and fastest way to do that, in my opinion, is importing (or opening) the weapon in Blender or max (whatever you're using) and doing any modifications necessary. Then, simply re-export the model. Don't expect something awesome, though, if I remember right, in some anims, the trigger isn't animated at all and in others it's badly animated (it rotates slightly sideways). "



Ok, thank you for your reply. I didn't think it would be an easy job, but still one I'm trying to attempt. I apologize for taking so long to thank you. I wasn't sure anyone would respond, and I'm grateful for your two cents.

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