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Can anyone think of any mods that alter the "MineOreToolsList" form list? I'm working on a unique pickaxe and the more I think about it the more I realize I have only ever seen replacers for pickaxes so perhaps I don't need to worry that altering that list will cause compatibility issues with other mods.

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Mining for Mages Redux

*digs into mod archive*

Does it via script.


In fact, for compatibility, you should consider doing it via script as well.


This should work for starters. It would go on a quest script, preferably a start game enabled quest.



Scriptname SomeScript Extends Quest

FormList Property mineOreToolsList  Auto  ; base game list
;FormList Property DLC2StalhrimMineOreToolsList  Auto ; dlc list - uncomment if wanting to work with Stalhrim

Weapon Property myPickAxe Auto

Event OnInit()
	If !(mineOreToolsList.HasForm(myPickAxe))
; - uncomment the next section if wanting to work with Stalhrim	
;	If !(DLC2StalhrimMineOreToolsList.HasForm(myPickAxe))
;		DLC2StalhrimMineOreToolsList.AddForm(myPickAxe)
;	EndIf




I think the Dragonborn DLC does edit the MineOreToolsList. Just in case it does and you do not want to make it a required master, then adding your pickaxe via script would be best.

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Oh sweet, thanks... I've heard of doing it this way but had not gotten around to figuring out the code.






(BTW, sorry for the late reply... keep forgetting to add the email account I use for Nexus to my new phone... going to do that now, it was sheer luck I logged into the account and happened to see this, I had given up on getting any replies to this thread)

Edited by SkiaMK
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