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Please HELP! Mods won't work at all.


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Great stuff. I'm glad you've got some mods going at last. I threw this together for a little reference for you (it's nothing fancy). Just so that you will know where to manually place files. If it's a bit confusing -- I threw it together in about 2 minutes -- give a yell.



The thing to remember:

normal (manual) mods go into: ..\Oblivion\Data\

OBMM (OMODs) go into ..\Oblivion\Mods\ <-- That should have been:

OBMM (OMODs) go into ..\Oblivion\obmm\Mods\

OBSE plugins go into ..\Oblivion\OBSE\Plugins\

Wrye Bash (BAIN) files go OUTSIDE of the Oblivion folder, in ..\Oblivion Mods\


In a manual installation, ALWAYS check the downloaded archive file structure, and extract to a temporary location first.

Edited by Hickory
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OBMM was created before any 64bit OS were even imagined. I'd be surprised, if it only worked in 64bit OS. I was successfully using it in an ages old Win XP myself for years.


What OS is it you're trying to run it in?


So far I got it successfully working in Win 2000, Win ME, Win XP, Win 7, Win 8 and Win 8.1, the newer versions always proving to be increasingly more difficult than the older, but so far the numerous compatibility measures available could always be used to achieve a working solution in the end after several tries. And adding to it, since Win 7 I'm only able to run everything on my Mac in a virtual machine anymore, so thrice the difficulty to get everything running smoothly, but it works.

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