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Double Dragon Ice Flow Fight: where is it?


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So I think I just finished the main Dawnguard quest with the fight with Lord Harkon (not particularly spectacular or memorable, after all it IS Skyrim, but still a huge improvement on Alduin's final boss fight) but I remember seeing somewhere in the trailer of a really cool looking boss fight, with two dragons that are diving in and out of an ice flow. Well, I never fought two dragons on an ice flow with them diving in and out of the water and I'm pretty sure I finished the main quest. So... where is this fight? Edited by LordSarcasm
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Forgotten Vale, on the big frozen lake where the word wall for Drain Vitality is found. The Inner Sanctum Balcony is directly above the southwest corner of the lake and the Wayshrine of Resolution is directly north of it.


It sounds like you must have somehow avoided crossing the ice while going after Auriel's Bow. Even skirting the edges in the vicinity of the word wall seems to be enough to trigger those dragons. If not, then just go wander around the lake for a bit. I'm sure they'll show up.

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I read this post before I got to Forgotten Vale, and I was really looking forwards to a nice, tough, three-dimensional boss fight. Finally found them, and...


...what a let down.


Yes, the concept was cool, but the dragons weren't particularly aggressive... I basically had to walk right up to them and goad them into fighting me. Neither one was unusually difficult, either. Worst of all, when they're under the ice, their tails clip through the frozen surface of the lake. I managed to do significant damage to them simply by blasting their tails while they were submerged.


Vyrthur, however, was a bit more fun to fight. Well, not so much him, as his army of frozen Falmer. :tongue:

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