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Ban for Fun


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Banning Ancient Aeon because his/her (gender not set) bias towards one football team is why she/he banned floggingmolly.

Banning dragonpen because it's "Ban for Fun", it's not really serious, so no hard feelings. Besides, Chelsea is my 2nd favorite team, but I love Barcelona more.

I is a saintly one who would never ban anybody cause they didn't follow the team I did. (Yehhh right!)

Because you're not a moderator and this is Ban for Fun.


"What the world will be with out jokes and fun things ?"


Actually that was my odd sense of humor at play. Sorry if miscommunicated! Love football (soccer as we call it in Australia). Was poking fun at myself. I assure you that I am not saintly. Can hear brother laughing at the idea. The 'yehhh right' was saaying I will probably do just that given the chance and for fun. :thanks: :biggrin: :thumbsup: :confused:


Banning Ancient Aeon for banning alex2avs for starting it all because somebody had to start it.

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Banning dragonpen for explaining it to me, and I ban alex2avs recently because he got a new title : "I'm not an elf". Means he think everyone around him thinks he's an elf. (Why he bother change his title ?)


Banning Ancient Aeon for banning alex2avs for starting it all because somebody had to start it.

That's because he says this thread over spammed, but he started this thread.

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Banning Ancient Aeon because not all forum users know all forum slang/lingo.


Banning myself for not knowing what 'spam' means.


Banning Ancient Aeon because of no good reason I can think of.

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