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Ban for Fun


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Banning Aeon for questioning my wisdom. My vast knowledge and experience regarding everything is so exceedingly superior it's practically superhuman.
If you are wise, then answer my question.


"Is it right to lie for good things ? Example, if someone you loved are in great danger, a well known murderer that everyone knows who he is asks you where is your love. You know he's going to murder someone that you loved. But is it right to lie ? What will you do ?"


If you can't answer it, you're banned. If you can, kudos.


P.S : this is just a test, this isn't serious.


Bans Ancient Aeon for making me think



I think i would lie, in that case. If someone where to get hurt i would call 911 because of the a "possible murder", and then i would tell the person, or call them right away, because you know who he is and he is on the move.


panics :ohmy:

bans ancient for panicking

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Logicaly meaning, a "WELL KNOWN" murderer is IN JAIL... wink.gif




Extra-Ban for everyone.

That's quite wise. I wonder what will Monolithic says.


Ban Monolithic for not answering fast enough.


bans ancient for panicking
Ban for accusing me of panicking, it's Thor who panics. I'm the question maker.
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Logicaly meaning, a "WELL KNOWN" murderer is IN JAIL... wink.gif




Extra-Ban for everyone.

That's quite wise. I wonder what will Monolithic says.


Banned for improper grammar. :whistling:

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Banning Aeon because the answer is simple. If you know, in your heart (or gut, whichever you prefer), that lying is the right course of action, then do so.
Banning Monolithic, because this is another question : If the murderer say this : "If you're lying to me, you will be dead. Don't even think to call for help, I can handle those things" Then what will you do ?
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