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Ban for Fun


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I ban PoorlyAged for causing a train wreck. It was quite a nice bit of fun for ban for fun.


My train of thought went clear back to the 70's. Tossing my thought around until I went spinning into a crash; seen on a corner; where some young man was; hollering LOOK OUT! During the evening (in winter time); newspapers headlines splashed all over, I could feel my forehead as the headlights of a car approached and...


"Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers".

Not Insane. Firesign Theater.

"You can believe me, because I never lie, and I am always right!"


Firesign Theater had it's 50th Anniversary
1966 - 2016

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I saw them live in Seattle.

"We're all Bozo's on this bus. Squeeze the wheeze."


"Ah Clem". "He's no fun, he fell right over". 'Nancy, the Automated Pushover".


"How can you be in two places and once when really you're nowhere at all"?


"NIck Danger, Third Eye". "Nick Valentine, Private Eye." Coincidence?


Banning Pagafyr for thinking I wouldn't recognize the Firesign Theater.

Edited by PoorlyAged
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I ban everyone that has played 'Ban For Fun"


What for?! For not being responsible for giving me the 33 and 1/3 album 'Don't Squash that Dwarf, Hand me the Pliers'.


Since it's not your fault I laughed so hard I now have FTRD: Firesign Theater Retentive Disorder.


And now I want to hear the rest of their troups plays. So I did a search and found their website. I couldn't buy all the comedic looney stuff they produced, but I tried.

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