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Ban for Fun


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Bans Thor becouse I had to quote that and put it in my sig and MHM for banning Thor for banning me or something like that...
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Ban Pushkatu for not finishing his sentence


yay banns mhm and me for having a officially permanent quote woot. Burrrrrrrp, that's the rootbear there my bad. Soda that is, err or is it pop lol.


bans me again for being up late, neeeeeed slllllleeeepppp :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

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Ban to Thor for his insistence on perpetually banning HIMSELF- selfish, lol


Ban to Pushkatu for having Brian as his Avatar. *burp* Brian lay off da booooze!! :teehee:

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