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Ban for Fun


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Since I've been away from the forum games for a few days I need to play catch up! :thumbsup:


A Big FAT BAN to all those peeps who banned ME for using colors and then THEY have the nerve to use them too, with enlarged font, lol BAAAAANNNNEEEDDDD!!! :confused:


BAN! to Gormonk for not knowing SilverDNA is a HE!


(No bans for BE, she's a sisterfriend :biggrin: Plus, she has a very nice sig! )


BAN! to Thor for sleeping on the job!


BAN! to Skaargoroth for calling Gormonk's avatar a CD look alike. (although I agree, lol!)


BAN! to Martin cause he's a Mage that doesn't know the meaning of trippy! That's trippy! lol ("Trippy" means wild, weird, like you tripping, buggin, wilding out, etc.)


BAN! to Ub3rman for banning 9 posts at once!

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