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Ban for Fun


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... and the hammer strikes Pushkatu.

Reason for the ban is:
Banning wihtout giving any reason at all.

(sorry, Pushkatu maybe next time...)

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That is just cruel, I demand a reason! I mean, how can you do this to a person? Consider yourself banned from this game for breaking my heart!

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If you heart is made out of chocolate, it is easy to break .. and I love chocolate. :wub:
Please don't be sorry that I now must ban you for it because I can't resist my chocolate addiction any more... :woot:
I ban Pushkatu, because of a broken chocolate heart. :biggrin:

(Sorry Pushkatu again. Better luck next time.) :blush:

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What ever you plan was, it worked! My heart is in pieces.


I, I....ban you for taking away my chocolate feelings!

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do you know that old tune that goes like this ....
Nothing more than feelings..." :whistling:

Good for you I don't take away your candy soul. :biggrin:

But for the lack of feelings you are banned again.

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You can all feel free to ban me as you please, I don't feel a thing now.


BTW, you're banned too for my lack of feelings.

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Funny you have this selective memory.

You offered me your broken chocolate heart 1st and it was tasty. (btw thanks for this.)
For selective memory you are banned

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I ban everyone in thread for banning users who were banning users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, who banned users, ...and so on.

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