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Ban for Fun


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I ban Pagafyr because I bet he was not born in the early 2000ns like me, see I never had to worry about the apparent end of the world in the year 2000 because I was not alive then.

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I ban Drakefell01 because I was using some Gorilla Glue and T-REX tape to bind some stuff together.  The names on the glue and stickier than Duct tapes says it all about what year it is.

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Sure I may be a younger man but I feel like I was born in the wrong era, I feel I should have been born in the 1600s I love old things like old sports such as war and sparing, I also hate modern things like cars and sports. I ban modern people for being too boring. 

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I ban you because even when I was a young man I heard older children saying those same words.  You should read Shirley Maclaine book about channeling.Channeling into the New Age: The Teachings of Shirley MacLaine and Other Such Gurus

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I ban the new age I love the Iron and Bronze age, Hail Zeus, Hera, Athena, Artemis, Poseidon, and all the rest of you gods who are the planets and star in our solar system. 

Edited by Drakefell01
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I ban you because you are standing on the edge of today, looking at the ways of yesterday, and hoping... Somehow.  Um?  Just remember this, "Gods are immortal."

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I ban you because your words seem to be unsure of your intentions.  Are you becoming faithful willing to drop everything you own and walk to where you can pray at their alters?  Or are you going to continue to make believe you couldn't make the trip, walking on your knees praying to them all the way?  All because it would cost more then you can afford?

If you are true to them your life will be forfeit and controlled by their will.  Are you ready to become their follower, warrior... Oops.  Too late for being a Warrior in their days dazed children were lucky to survive to live to be the ripe old age of 18 years old.

You can still be a scholar!  Acting as a priest preaching the way to pray to them, learn their will, and law.  Would you be comfortable with being a scholar?  Then read up my friend you're about to be shown a whole new way of life!

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I am devoted to Athena and Poseidon, I am but a wise and humble sailor in the Mediterranean.  

Hellenic flag.jpg

Oh yes and after this comment religion is now banned from this forum. 

Edited by Drakefell01
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You're banned for not wanting to be like someone who had to work really hard to become a master in control of his mind and body.  With a photographic memory and much, much more.  If I had to pick a super hero it would be like him, because he is 100% human.

(Ah!  A figuratively writing ban.  Now you know you will be banned for bringing up any discussion on religion.  Even if the ppl mentioned are often thought of as video game and movie characters that are fictional characters with super duper powers; like so many others.)

Except Batman.  He trained in every way, body building, gymnastics, and became a super strong and exceptionally well trained martial artist.  That had to have taken a long time.  Beginning the night after his Mother and Father were gunned down in front of his little self.  He probably had many nightmare and daymares that helped turn him into a psychopathic criminal fighter straining himself from throwing the last blow a killing one.  He was excepted by certain people as a hero. 

Even though the criminals he fought often didn't think much of him as they lay in the prison hospital's recovering from being beaten so badly they decided to become checkout counter clerks in grocery stores and other incredible legal easy jobs to survive. 🦇

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