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Ban for Fun


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Banning dezdimona for conveying the decidedly hesitant, awkward manner of the sentence in a typed "ummm", which is a sound rather than a word, and therefor should not be utilized to convey hesitancy/the act of thinking on the web, when there are other, more efficient means to do so.
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Banning Monolithic0117 because that is the most obvious way to convey thought, a pause, or even uncertainty via the computer where the nuances and body language that go into communicating cannot be seen, thus, cannot be interpreted.
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Banning floggingmolly22 because although his statement could be interpreted as correct in some obscure sense, the act of portraying body language or sound that conveys thought, pause, etc. as "um" or other sound on the web is a redundant conveyant of the laziness of the applied instigator and as such, has corrupted perhaps all webgoers worldwide, comparing to a monstrous plague of epic proportions.
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