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Ban for Fun


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Banning nosisab for instigating massive digressions (well, maybe not that massive).

Your statements could be interpreted as convoluted by others, but obviously (minor generalization, perhaps) not to your own person. Also banned for mentioning non-linear thought in a simple forum game. I am incapable of such creativity, thus have difficulty comprehending your rather strangely-formed statements. I understand the words, I don't understand the arrangement (I somewhat do, but it rather seems like you're typing out your thoughts instantaneously, fresh from the brain). Also banned for having banned fuzzy, classical, and paraconsistent logic in one fell metaphorical swoop. I shall not tolerate such an example of heathenry to logicality!

P.S: Convolution is not restricted to those examples which you speak (or rather, type) of. The possibilities are near-boundless.

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