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Ban for Fun


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bans myself from staying away from repetitive sig bans.


bans myself again, Does anyone know of any good links to stargate avatars, and sigs.


i continue to ban who ever is online at this moment.


shadowace, Thor., wasder, TehFreeman, armagedon12, wulf9474, dmblair, AssasinElite, Eye314, DigChrono, chinahaeschen, Pushkatu, mxninja, starwarsfreak1234, Shintanai, bulldogc, dree74, Slawter500, 1355, gaelhecq, Jj45, srl3192, Themisive, CptChrist, jepuliz, no5554688, Rasmus Jagd, deusraijin, apocalypse1138, AlienSlof, parleen, Carah, freeinspace, littlecoce, Aredel, Floydian1, Birrii, kalia, tumbajamba, Artisten, Siethus, ericazwel, tsar_adam, vagitoe, endophor, GETbacon, Xenobuzz, Ottomannen, Callighan, neunen, broex, williamren, Gerald von Riva, Naminea, putte85, tippu, Chemist18, EMH, Tekuromoto, SenpaiCore, Blitzkreig12, AceGoober, josh900, Ihoe, Aoikani, Facelesscog, blackpheonixark, dscythegeo, pepsijunkie, IBTrippin, Cjdillon, obione4321, keilen, arcanealtruist

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