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Ban for Fun


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Ban Ancient Aeon as sending a PM yourself will be fruitless.

There are too many games already...Try to make a more sophisticated one. Like creating a strange in-game picture and people need to guess the story behind it, the one that is pretty close or very creative may continue.

(or someone else if it takes too long.)

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Ban Ancient Aeon as 'find the caption' was a very popular game at PES back at its time..

I can imagine there are even more possibilities or funny pics using fallout.






1: Mind if I borrow your boots?

2: Don't let me climb up that table!

3: Right guard- "Nobody move, I've lost a septim!" -- Left guard - "Not again!"

4: Ready, set...

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--Fast Attack on Fifoo!--


Ban Ancient Aeon as it is about the joke, not the settings. Anyway, many are staged. So people use their max, while they can't play it properly (10 fps, less.). But generally it doesn't need quality as long as you can see it all...'

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No, no, no... don't surround me again! Hurry, my extra ban!




See more details in your prefered topics:

"Fifoo surrounded by propaganda on Post #6715".


The famous "No-Ban News" preview title: "Epic battle had begun before people being free from threat!"

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