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Ban for Fun


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Banning Pagafyr for having only a single post left to reach 300 posts.



Banning Monolithic0117 for making me aware of the number of posts I have made. Too bad they are mostly ban for fun, I win, and still learning what a great time I can have on the playground.


I will just stay here on the playground instead of following anyone to their posts though.

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Bans Pagafyr again for removing his ugly signature.



I ban Pushkatu for noting that and not noting that I removed my ugly avatar too.

Now where did I leave my self portrait?




BANNED Agreed why did you remove it, it suited you so well :biggrin: sorry i had to say it :P

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Oooh. Oh. (pause to regroup since I realize the emoticon was a big grin.)


I banned my avatar because it was so ugly it was making me laugh. I nearly split my sides laughing. Every time I looked at it it reminded me of what an accident can look like when you are trying to create something to be an avatar. Than I thought of Jim Henson's Muppet's and the two old men in the balcony muppet's that kept making rude remarks during or at the end of the television show. That made me laugh harder. Oooh, laughing...I got to go find a depression pill.


I ban Thor for that silly smirk on his face I cannot see through cyberspace.

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