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Ban for Fun


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Banning rebalious because young children are rarely seen here.


Banning anyone who can answer this :

Banning me because this morning I "saw" a strange glowing symbol-like thing, when I closed my eyes. It's fact.


Ban you cuz it could be cuz you probably were looking into a bright light or something like that before you closed your eyes. Try it out! look into the light for a bit of time, then close your eyes...

Banning MHM because I'm not sure. It's morning and the sky were filled with clouds. And I was sleeping (I'm in a car), I woke up, didn't saw any kind bright light, then the next time I close my eyes, I seen that strange "thing". I opened my eyes, I closed it again and I seen that again, opened and closed my eyes again after a few times and it's gone.


What my novice photoshop skills can do :


There's dots.

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