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Papyrus tuts?


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Hey guys I've learnt most of the basics and stuff of the creation kit and now I've started to learn to script. The only thing is though I'm having trouble absorbing the information as most of the tuts I've read seem to spiral around everything they say and don't make it as simple as possible.

Does anyone know of any simple but indepth tuts for Papyrus?

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There are no 'simple' tutorials for Papyrus. It's a new scripting system for everyone and as such everyone has had to start from scratch. Which means that any tutorials out there need to first explain what things mean and why they need to be included. If there is something specific you are trying to do that you need help with. Ask on the forums and hopefully you'll get someone who is willing and able to assist. I know a lot of my questions went unanswered but that's because I didn't sit around waiting for an answer. I kept working at it and trying different things and tended to answer my own questions.
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