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Hi people.


So who is this new person who takes up expencive place on this site database?


A guy with a dream...

I have been playing computer games since i was 6 years old, I won't bother counting titles :biggrin: .

Right now i in for modding Oblivion. I have made a few minor modds... and many major mistakes :whistling: .

Making cells is no longer the breathtaking task it once were, scripts ain't a mysterious creature looking for a way to slay you.

My current work is to learn how to make quests, and that is much harder then i thougt at first.

I found quite good guide (but it ain't allowed to advertise so I guess i won't write a link) it explains most stuff very well. But when i have gone through their beginners guide and came to quests... then it wasn't much explanation.


I guess i can introduce you to my problem in this small presentation but if you want to read more about me scroll down. I just say Off topic warning.


The quest they use as an example is basicly

  • Recive note that you are an heir in a will.
    Go to and talk to a lawyer who knows more.
    Directed to person who knows even more.
    Slay bandits who took the will.
    Bring it back and enjoy a new estate

It's a conservation i don't know how to fix.

I open the quest window and select "Topics".

I've made a few and they seem to be working, but i've cheated a bit. In the dialog you can set up lots of conditions who should say what and so on. But in this guide it says that I should set up a condition called GetQuestStage.

When i open up the condition menu i only have 2 option that even mention the word quest.




Now at most places i've been able to skip this but now i must set up this condition in order to make the quest work.

:thanks: to anyone who helps me with this.


I take many of my "creative" ideas from books, which has become one of my true major interests.

The best authors in the world is easy if you ask me :biggrin: .


1. Jules Verne

His books made love reading when i was 11 with the book (Don't know the exact English title) "To the centre of the World"

He is conciderd to be the father of sci-fi.(with H.G Wells but comes up later)


2. David Eddings.

If you ask me he is Number one in the Fantasy world. That guy who wrote Lotr (Lord of the Rings for you who didn't know) is a little (insert negative word of own choise) compared to him.

(And yes i have red them and i didin't like either the books or the films)

David Eddings best selling series is "The Belgariad".


3. Alexandre Dumas (the older fellow)

Another french dude who wrote "The three muskeeters", "The Count of Montecristo".

i once find an amuesing quote about him by his son.

Alexandre Dumas T.O (The older) sat crying over that he had wrote how Phorthos (a charctar in "the Three Muskeeters") died. His son then said "This is my father, he is a child i raised when i was very young."

I just find that one amuesing.


4. H.G Wells

English dude, just like Jules Verne he lived in the early 18c, (oops) i mean 19c (Thats one thing i hate in the English language 18, 19 century, i find no logic in that)

Lost track a bit here.


Guess who wrote "War of the worlds"? 10 points if you guessed on me and 50 on H.G wells.

He wrote it 1906. Incredible that he could imaging that isn't it?


Well thats the toplist of best Authors in the world.

Well once again hello, hi, gruss got, hallo, guten morgen, ciao, from Sweden, Jenz.

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Hi Jenz, welcome aboard

You may want to move that post to the General Oblivion section. There it'll receive broader attention from the 'techie guys', here is the space we reserve to make fun of newbies (don't worry, we have no reports of KIA or even MIA here) :) To do so click the report button and ask a moderator to move it.


If at some point you begin to think here is a den of craziness don't worry, you aren't crazy, yet; Just don't give up the hope and soon you'll fit the pack.


Well, welcome aboard and beware SPAMs, Sticks from suspicious sources, revere the Snow Arena Goddess... there is a minor risk someone just saying hello but that's nothing to concern about too much.


Above all have fun :D (good luck)

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Welcome to the Tesnexus and new FO3Nexus.

Posting a link to a good guide or tutorial - as long as it is free and does not include spam or malware - is not advertising. If you look through the forums you will find many such links.


If you are not sure, go ahead and send a personal message to one of the moderators with the link. We will be happy to let you know if it's okay to post. And give you the reason if it's not. You might also want to ask the author if they approve of posting a link here. Most will allow a link, some will allow copying the entire guide, but it's always best to ask first.


The proper place to post a guide or tutorial (as long as it doesn't include spoilers in the description) is the General Mod talk forum.

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Ah, oh yes, to clarify... the SPAM 'fore mentioned is not the normal spam, though almost as bad as it. If threatened with some, run like your life is on stake, maybe it is.
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Welcome to the Nexus.Enjoy your stay and follow the rules.I am the Dragon comedian Spyro1201 and here is your complementary fishy stick:




Have fun in the forums :thumbsup:

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