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Finding the first step?


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  On 10/14/2012 at 5:05 PM, acky1 said:

Does anyone have any idea what "SPECIES_POINT_LIMIT=500" is?


Could be that different alien species cost different numbers of points, and that's the maximum number the alien side is allowed to field in a mission? (So raising it might make missions tougher) Or it might be related to multiplayer, in a similar way.

Edited by Arkenor
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  On 10/14/2012 at 5:10 PM, Arkenor said:
  On 10/14/2012 at 5:05 PM, acky1 said:

Does anyone have any idea what "SPECIES_POINT_LIMIT=500" is?


Could be that different alien species cost different numbers of points, and that's the maximum number the alien side is allowed to field in a mission? (So raising it might make missions tougher) Or it might be related to multiplayer, in a similar way.


I just doubled it, fingers crossed, I'll let you know.

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This is originally set to 4. Tried to increase it to 9, 99, 999, etc. and it didn't seem to increase the chances of a set of soldeirs being gifted (loading/reloading same save file, same soldiers submitted for testing).


I reduced it to 1. Next test run, 2 of 4 were gifted... and next batch had another 2 of 4. No idea why smaller is better, but it seems to work.

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But pssshhh :)


	iChance = int(float(iTraineeWill) / class'XGTacticalGameCore'.default.SW_RARE_PSI);
	iChance /= float(1 + BARRACKS().GetNumPsiSoldiers());
	iChance = int(float(iTraineeWill) / class'XGTacticalGameCore'.default.PSI_GIFT_CHANCE);
	iTraineeRank = arrCandidates.Find(kSoldier);
	if(iTraineeRank >= 0 && (iTraineeRank < 6))
		iChance += Max(0, 75 - iTraineeRank * 20 - iGiftedSix * 40);
return Roll(iChance);


So normaly without taking ranks into consideration -> Chance to be giftet = Will / Psi_gift_chance


40 / 4 = 10


static final function bool Roll(int iChance)
return Rand(100) < iChance;


So If Rand(100) < 10 he would have psi


If i didnt overlooked something this means

1 is the best you could do now, maybe its a float didnt checked it further, try something like 0.1 should be better, but dont know if they saved it as an int

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If the second block is used for the test it looks like rookies have a much bigger chance of having the gift. Somehow offsetting the higher willpower higher ranked troopes have.

But what is that iGiftedSix value? Sounds like the amount of gifted soldiers in the barracks.


Assuming this:


Getting the first to psi gifted is easiest when using rookies.

Rookies have around 45-50(?) willpower if i recall correctly. ~ 11.25-12.5% chance.

This is modded by +75 for the first rookie. ~ 86.25-87.5%

The second is +35. ~ 46.25-47.5%%


Goind with a high willpower colonel (assume 70 will ) : 17.5%

but no additional bonus to the chance.


Ranks are penalised quite heavily by 20% per rank. Thus having a rank 4 solder there is no bonus to the chance either.


Best strat for gift checking ? Check soldier of ranks 3 first, and pick the one you really like to have the gift. They have a reasonable chance if getting it. If none is found, check lvl 2 and then 1. By then there is good chance gift is found. If not found yet continue with rookies.

It does not matter when to check soldiers of rank 4 and up, pick the highest willpower ones first though.

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Here's an example of how Rescource Hacker can be used to make things more interesting"











There, now all of your armors can hold three small items each. Bring three grenades for your heavies, three medkits for you support, stack three SCOPES for you snipers, or even carry three arc throwers for your assault guys.

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  On 10/14/2012 at 10:20 PM, NephilimNexus said:

Here's an example of how Rescource Hacker can be used to make things more interesting"











There, now all of your armors can hold three small items each. Bring three grenades for your heavies, three medkits for you support, stack three SCOPES for you snipers, or even carry three arc throwers for your assault guys.


I couldn't get this to work with 3, it works fine with 2..

Edited by acky1
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  On 10/14/2012 at 5:10 PM, Arkenor said:
  On 10/14/2012 at 5:05 PM, acky1 said:

Does anyone have any idea what "SPECIES_POINT_LIMIT=500" is?


Could be that different alien species cost different numbers of points, and that's the maximum number the alien side is allowed to field in a mission? (So raising it might make missions tougher) Or it might be related to multiplayer, in a similar way.


I didn't see any difference with this, tested it on 10 missions.

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Even if you equip 3 grenades, or 6 for heavy, you can only use on per mission (or two for heavy). The ability itself for the number of grenades (and rockets for that matter) is not relatet to the number of items on your soldier. You can have unlimited grenades and rockets by modifying the noreload property but you cannot set it to a specific number. At least I don't know how, don't send me to Oblivion if I'm wrong.
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