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Map upscale?


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I was fancifully thinking the other day that it'd be great to make the Fallout 4 world space bigger. Ya know, so the distances between locations is larger, nothing more.


Having done a quick search on the forum, I haven't been able to find any evidence that such a suggestion has already been made. I expect it isn't possible as such a mod has yet to be created but I'd thought I'd suggest it... just on case no one has thought of it yet :cool:


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a new worldspace would be much better, and is much better, so i would imagine that if authors were to go for bigger worldspace, they would do it in the form of a new worldspace rather then extended vanilla worldspace, not too mention that to make it bigger, their would have to be content filling it, plus you would also have to create navmesh for the now bigger areas, and build previs for it aswell. a lot of effort for little reward.


where as with a new worldspace, it essentially becomes your playground. much bigger reward although most likely much more effort, but it is your worldspace so you have limitless potential. where as with vanilla much less potential (especially with regards to uniqueness).


Note: Vanilla as in the Commonwealth.


anything is possible however. because it has not be done simply means lack of interest, not because it cannot be done.


a new worldspace sounds much more exciting to me, then an extended vanilla worldspace.


as been proven by mods like falskaar for skyrim. falskaar is vastly superior to pretty much any mod that extends vanilla skyrim worldspace. (and that is primarily because it creates a lovely new world space) so not only is this unique, but it shows passion from the author, and excitement for the player, as its new. a new worldspace would require much more effort and passion to create then an extended vanilla worldspace.


however with that said, doesn't the mod *South of Sea* extend the Glowing Sea ?


if you are talking literally the entire map, then that sounds like an insane amount of work, for very little reward, the hours spent could of been for a completely new worldspace, or even a DLC length quest mod.


i would defintely prefer a new location like far harbour, rather then a bigger boring commonwealth, and that is basically what would be put into the equation, the author would decide if they want make the commonwealth bigger, or create a brand new location like far harbour, and if i was the author i know exactly what i would pick and definitely prefer.


New Worldspace = Exciting


Extended Commonwealth = boring, because its the same thing only much bigger xD, this is why DLCs sell, because they almost always include brand new locations. which is exciting, especially after playing the game and likewise being in the same locations for many many hours.


but with the said, i would also like this idea, as long as it does not mean the difference between extending the commonwealth vs, making a brand new world space, or a massive feature rich DLC length Quest Mod, as for me, content is far more important then worldspace size. many games have proven this, their is nothing worse then having a huge open world with nothing in it, as fallout as pretty much proven, massive size, but pretty lackluster when it comes to content, and a big part of that is due to the severe lack of Settlements.


the settlement system, is literally bethesda knowing that modders will complete their game for them, and as such created a framework for modders to inevitably complete their work.


i would absolutely prefer an abundant of fully well built pre-made settlements (lively settlements), then the workshop we have, i would much rather they scrapped the entire idea of workshop, and pre-built everything with passion. but that is obviously not the case here.

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I don't think upscaling of the map is really a great idea. The game engine already struggles enough with what is already in place. I really doubt increasing distances between locations is very compelling or plausible. Additive content is probably the way to go and there are a lot of great mods that fill that gap.


South of the Sea

Minuteman Watchtowers

Concord expanded

Rsiyo's Location Pack

Diamond City Expansion

Apocalyptic Commonwealth

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Extending the actual size of the map will result in a huge amount of object culling; the Commonwealth is mainly the size it is due to engine limitations in how far the game can render, visible from the player character. You can already see this yourself, if you select any point in the worldspace and slowly rotate/pan your character on the spot, if you look carefully, you'll notice parts of the edge of the visible worldspace (usually mountains) deforming. That is the hard limit of what the F04 engine can render.

Increasing the scale of the worldspace is generally a pretty bad idea, due to how many things would have to be remade/redone.

On a side-note, outside of the vanilla game boundaries, the worldspace in total becomes around 2/3 times larger with more un-used worldspace to the south, west and north. You could easily fit Nuka World and Far Harbor in there twice over & still have room. Personally, I've always held the belief that BGS originally intended the game world to be much larger, with more locations outside of the current boundaries, but either simply ran out of dev time to flesh it out, or came up against engine limitations that meant that idea had to be dropped.

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