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Adopt children of mer or "bestial" heritage


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Currently we have Bretons, Nords, Imperials, and Redguards available for adoption.


Would it be terribly difficult to have other child-races?

Why wouldn't Beth include this to begin with?

Are they trying to tell us that the Mer, Argonians, and Khajit don't have children, can't have children in skyrim, or didn't bring any children with them?

If not; are they trying to tell us that the parents of Mer, Argonians, and Khajit are superior to their human counterparts and never die?

If not; are the children actually the superior ones and don't require parenting if their parents die?


I'm not at all familiar with Skyrim modding unfortunately, but from past experiences (previous TES/Fallout titles) this SEEMS like it would be a pretty easy thing to do... I don't really have time, but if noone else is interested perhaps I could be forced to make time. Maybe... Maybe I'll put my 10 week old son up for adoption in Skyrim! :P


Before anyone says it wouldn't make sense for the racist Nord society to take in children of Mer, Khajit, or Argonian background...

[sarcasm] Ohhhh right it makes SOOO much more sense for them to allow those races to adopt a human child. [/sarcasm] :)

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I agree it would only make sense to have them in skyrim with all the Argonians workers, Khajit caravans and Elves are everywhere in skyrim I doubt they would just ditch there family's.
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The problem is, as I understand it, that there aren't any models for children of those races. All the human races have the same male and female mesh, colored appropriately. So our first step is to make some children. Which is tough for non-artistic types, since children change proportions as they grow. You can't just shrink down adults and call it good.


I'm not a modder... but I am an artist and I have experience modeling characters in 3ds max. If an experienced modder would like to work with me and teach me how to port things into the game, I can make the designs for this. I really want baby Argonians running about. It'd be adorable.


My 3d reference sheet gallery

My 3d gallery (most of this stuff is pretty darn old-- the Verrus turnaround is my current skill level)


PM me if you're interested!

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