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Is beauty lore-unfriendly?



155 members have voted

  1. 1. Is making people attractive lore-unfriendly/unrealistic?

    • Skyrim doesn't have supermodels; there's no avon lady handing out beauty products, so the vanilla appearance is how they're supposed to look.
    • Overhauling specific characters to be more attractive is fine, but not every character in the game.
    • Making everyone attractive is okay, since the lore doesn't specifically say everyone isn't... but H-cup breasts and other unrealistic proportions isn't okay
    • I like to make my game look like the set of a porno, with big ol jiggle physics everywhere.
  2. 2. Is skimpy armor lore-friendly/realistic?

    • No, armor is made to protect, not show off your belly and thighs. People in skimpy armor die quick, even if they do look good while doing so.
    • Skimpy armor is okay, so long as it's only light armor.
    • Skimpy armor is okay, so long as all the skimpy armor has reduced defense ratings to keep it realistic.
    • Most fantasy stuff has skimpy armor, so it's okay - obviously people just move so attacks only hit the armored parts!
    • Clearly, the skimpy armors are magical, and their protective qualities come from magic rather than physical cover.
    • It's hard to hit someone while being distracted by how hot they are... right?
  3. 3. How about cutesy/anime/modern outfits?

    • No, all those outfits are definitely not lore friendly.
    • All those outfits can be explained; some creative new tailor is making them, or maybe they're fashions from a daedric realm like the shivering isles. A good explenation makes it lore friendly.
    • My character was teleported to the world of Skyrim from our world, and that's why they have modern clothing.

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LOL.... :laugh: ....maybe then you haven't seen the mods I have seen then....search 'Aoki' among the uploaded mods if you dare.... :tongue: ....their the mods I assumed you were talking about....full frontal's and framed for viewing pleasure... :ohdear: .... :turned:

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LOL.... :laugh: ....maybe then you haven't seen the mods I have seen then....search 'Aoki' among the uploaded mods if you dare.... :tongue: ....their the mods I assumed you were talking about....full frontal's and framed for viewing pleasure... :ohdear: .... :turned:


i have to say even if i was wearing skimpy armor that's the area i'd want to place the most protection. :whistling:


edit--- typo

Edited by Invisible Man
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Well, in my way of veiweng fantasy. It has limits. Everything needs to be realistic and supported by studies and facts. I don't like when there is something in the game which has no damn explanation in it and looks dumb. Like for say....i'm going to add pigmen, because it's awesome.


These type of mods are never getting in my game. Same for the skimpy armors. Armor is made to protect, it may have some artistical style in to it aslong it doesn't starts removing critical pieces like the whole front plate for example. Skin is not that good agiasn't blades...


Like dragons for example, ignoring the magical side of them for a bit and if they were just reguler animals, they could be, in my opinion, an animal like that could very definetly exist.


If things to me look believable and realistic that it almost feels that that world actually exists somewhere, then I'll definetly fall in love in it.

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LOL.... :laugh: ....maybe then you haven't seen the mods I have seen then....search 'Aoki' among the uploaded mods if you dare.... :tongue: ....their the mods I assumed you were talking about....full frontal's and framed for viewing pleasure... :ohdear: .... :turned:


i have to say even if i was wearing skimpy armor that's the area i'd want to place the most protection. :whistling:


edit--- typo


For awhile there I ran my Dovahkin exposed (Regal Assassin Armor changed my mind.... :wub: )....anyway at one point while my near naked 'flag flying in the breeze' Dovah was doing his thing I added a nose ring and chain to his meager wardrobe....my Hubby comments at this point a nose chain would be dangerous to wear into battle.... o_O ....Personally I felt my Dovah had more important things to worry about.... :tongue:

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LOL.... :laugh: ....maybe then you haven't seen the mods I have seen then....search 'Aoki' among the uploaded mods if you dare.... :tongue: ....their the mods I assumed you were talking about....full frontal's and framed for viewing pleasure... :ohdear: .... :turned:


No no, we're talking about the same mod, full frontal and all that ( I think it makes bandits and forsworn more menacing lol ). Just the way you put it... was a bit much to take in.. all at once... IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

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This thread veers between annoying me with rigid lore-mongering and making me laugh out loud with... that other stuff :biggrin:


I think I may have to mod up some magic thermal underwear of +5 frost resistance, just to put everyone's minds at ease over the skimpy armor issue vs cold climates.



Edited by acidzebra
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My choice isn't listed:

Lore doesn't matter, reality doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is immersiveness.


This. Immersiveness is the thing, and everyone has their own idea of what that is/doesn't care about it at all. I wouldn't draw the line for others, just for myself.


It's a single-player game, but I imagine some of the 'lore-mongers' get upset over what they feel is a lack of immersive mods as compared to "Play as an anime My Little Pony humanoid with big breasts wearing a school girl uniform". I exaggerate, of course: I'm sure you get the idea. Me, I stopped caring and just treasure what I find that I do like and ignore the rest. Sure there's some beauty mods I dislike (I just don't get the sad-faced chick look) but I just don't use them.

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