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Tempered Armor/ Weapons in the Leveled Lists


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Is it a little odd that the Dovahkiin is the only blacksmith in all of skyrim who routinely improves their armor and weapons. You can find enchanted weapons in the leveled lists, some pretty powerful enchantments too, but you never find a "flawless" steel swrod on a bandit. All this mod would do is add tempered weapons ans armor to the leveled lists, if that's possible.
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Hrm, this is a bit of a challenge because tempered items don't exist in Skyrim.esm like mundane and enchanted items. It seems like tempering is a modifier added to items after the fact, much like player-enchanted items. I don't doubt that it would be possible with a bit of scripting, but that's one of the many modding skills that I completely lack, so I wouldn't even know where to start, sadly.
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