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Miscellaneous Quests Not Showing Up On Map Marker


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I'm having a real issue, perhaps a bug of sorts. Basically, none of the map markers are working for miscellaneous quests. I've unchecked all other quests made miscellaneous quests active and then activated the specific quest. It simply doesn't work. It won't allow me to show map markers on the map.


My current quest is trying to become Thane of Solitude. I've done the first two quests, bought property and decorated it. Now I'm trying to help 5 people in Haafingar, but it won't show any markers on the map when activated.


Is there any known fixes for this issue? Please let me know if there is.

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If you are looking for map markers to show the 5 people you can help, there aren't any. Just walk around the city and talk to people until you get one to ask for help. At that point, if you agree to help them, a marker usually will show. The market stands and the inn are 2 areas that you can find some people easily.
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