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How to save my mods onto a Pendrive


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Hey guys i be changing to a new PC this Saturday.


So well new PC , no more Skyrim , Nexus Mods etc.


Thing is, is there anyway i can save all my mods or least the name list of mods i used on my current Skyrim onto a USB Flash Drive ?


I no longer keep the install files of the mods that's the sad part, all have installed into my Skyrim i installed loads of them , so copying all my mods that i install kinda be out of the question , some are " replacement " files so im not even sure what files are mods what are originals !


You guys know the Nexus Mod , when you open it , there is like a list of mods you installed.


Is there anyways to copy that list and then putting it back to my Nexus Mod again so it can just direct me to the site / the owner of the Mods and i can re download them again?


If i were to copy the whole Nexus Mod Manager file will that work ?

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This is where Nexus Mod Manager keeps it's mods, so this is the folder you need to copy over:



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You can easily just copy the Skyrim directory onto a USB and go from there, but NMM will lose it's contents in the Mods tab. You can probably just copy the NMM folder and Skyrim to be safe.


Also, what's a "retail" copy of Skyrim? Mine's in the same location as yours (same Games directory and everything!) and my Skyrim is a Steam version.

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Hmmm mine is a retail copy.

But i found it on my C:Games\Nexus Mod , so i just copy this whole file and paste it on my new PC and im good to go then ?


Whether you have a retail (hard copy) or not, Skyrim still requires Steam. You do have Steam, right?

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Yeah i do , but funny i don't know why my NMM is on another file instead.


Nvm i had it figured out , i will just copy the mod files you told me to , then when my new PC , i just install NMM and paste the mod files back to where it belongs and i guess that will do the trick.


Tks guys. Case Close

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