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IHRE, your staff clips where your lower hand holds it. I am releasing my mesh to everyone and that includes you... the hand dosen't clip.


Here's the LINK


You definatly managed to turn this fun project, for me... into no fun at all. I doubt I will even do another request.


so congrats!

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I watched the new Iron Man movie the other day. I didn't particularly like it, it seemed long, boring and drawn out. Most of the best scenes were in the tailors that were released and blasted all over the TV, so I felt like I had already seen the best parts. I can criticize the movie but to be honest, I don't know anything about making movies so for me to go to a director like Spielberg and tell him how to do his job is ridiculous. Too nitpick his work to the point of offending him would be idiotic.


Another modder is lost from the list of those who are willing to share their expertise, hard work, time, sweat and love of the game and of modding because of the inability of those who are receiving the benefit of that work to simply be grateful.


David Whitefang Owed you nothing. He didn't need to explain himself, he offered to help and he was insulted and badgered into giving up his project. The rude behavior of certain people has cost the modding community another talent and we will all feel the loss.

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I appreciate the support of the last three posts!!, but ...


I still Love modding! ~ and I will continue to do so... I just probably won't get into the politics of 'publicly' taking up a request in the future... so I will still be around making mods here and there.


If I decide to get involved with a request, I will pm the person who initiated the request, and if they think they want me to make it ~ I will... and stay anonymous, until it's completed.

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I appreciate the support of the last three posts!!, but ...


I still Love modding! ~ and I will continue to do so... I just probably won't get into the politics of 'publicly' taking up a request in the future... so I will still be around making mods here and there.


If I decide to get involved with a request, I will pm the person who initiated the request, and if they think they want me to make it ~ I will... and stay anonymous, until it's completed.

I have to agree with you on this, I also learned some valuable lessons concerning requests.


#1. No matter what, the item you create will somehow not live up to the imagination of the requester and passers by. Some people realize this when they initially make the request, others do not which is why the 'ol saying of "If you think you can do better, then do it yourself" or "If you want it done right, do it yourself" is timeless wisdom.


#2. Always mod for yourself and "hopefully" others will appreciate what you have done but also know that anytime you are in the public eye, you also attract those with limited manners and maturity. Just comes with the territory.


#3. Do not give estimated dates of delivery. It sets a level of expectation which is not necessary if you are not getting paid for services rendered. Communicating very little other than re-assuring that you are working on it is usually the best coarse of action unless you want to invite others (usually more than one) to act like your micro-manager and asking / telling you how the mod should be implemented. I found out the hard way that giving details was actually a bad thing to do which was counter-intuitive to my upbringing and work ethic. Public modding is just a different animal.


#4. Doing requests for others is a nice way to get started if you are lacking ideas and projects but keep in mind that over time, you will want to do more and more of your own work and will need to taper-down the amount of requests you can take on. I have actually been saturated to the point of not being able to take on requests even if it is something I want to do. My modding time is quite limited and by the time I start to get into the swing of things, I have to stop which is quite annoying. ;)


I'll stop here before this turns into a book that rivals War and Peace. :D



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#2. Always mod for yourself and "hopefully" others will appreciate what you have done but also know that anytime you are in the public eye, you also attract those with limited manners and maturity. Just comes with the territory.]

key words right there. I've stated before that I mod for myself for my game,not for praise or laurels.Then I release stuff so others may enjoy it. Unfortunately there will always be some who you can never satisfy.

Learn to mod then people like David who does excellent work, won't be offended.

I'll do a request for a friend...no one else!

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