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Taking Time To Load Scripts


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My game is taking time for NPCs to do their things.

For Example:


• I use the follower Cerwiden and she has a quest that makes assassins spawn at her and much time after I killed them she says "Watch out, assassins". :down:



• I was trying to get married, I talked to NPCs then I kept "T" Waiting and nothing happened, and my fiance just kept saying "I can't believe we're getting married" (Or something like that). :dry:



• I used "tcl" Toggle Collision to move through some place, then I turned it on again, but my follower Aela, kept with no Collision, we found a Blood Dragon and she was following him in the sky. o_O



• I was doing the Companions quest where we go into some dungeon to kill the Old Man's Wolf. At first when I reached the part with the Spiders where one of the twins should say something, he didn't said anything. Later when I reached the final room and talked to the old man, his Wolf Spirit don't even appeared, I had to load a save in the beggining of the cave and do it all again, this time everything worked well. :wallbash:

• Many time NPCs only say what they should say, much time later. :mellow:




- I'm not using huge scripts mods, and I guess none or almost none of small scripts.

Most of the mods I use are animations, equipments, body replacers.

I'm using Unofficial Skyrim Patch and Unofficial Dawnguard Patch, you think that is the reason??



My PC:

• Core 2 Duo E7500 2.93GHz - Not overclocked but I can.

• GeForce GT 630 2GB (Bought it Wednesday) (LOVING IT) - Playing SMOOTHLY :dance: Overclocked or not.


I have 38 processes on, using Game Booster 3, TuneUp MemOptimizer that also shows me how many memory I got left. In Idle I have 70%~80% to use, with Skyrim open it's 15%~30%.

I just cleaned every components of the PC.

Nothing is overheating :

System: 33C

CPU: 33C

AUX: 45C

HD0: 33C

Core: 37C

Core 1: 36C

GPU: 36C

Core 0: 39C

Edited by BugNexus
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My game is taking time for NPCs to do their things.

For Example:


• I use the follower Cerwiden and she has a quest that makes assassins spawn at her and much time after I killed them she says "Watch out, assassins". :down:



• I was trying to get married, I talked to NPCs then I kept "T" Waiting and nothing happened, and my fiance just kept saying "I can't believe we're getting married" (Or something like that). :dry:



• I used "tcl" Toggle Collision to move through some place, then I turned it on again, but my follower Aela, kept with no Collision, we found a Blood Dragon and she was following him in the sky. o_O



• I was doing the Companions quest where we go into some dungeon to kill the Old Man's Wolf. At first when I reached the part with the Spiders where one of the twins should say something, he didn't said anything. Later when I reached the final room and talked to the old man, his Wolf Spirit don't even appeared, I had to load a save in the beggining of the cave and do it all again, this time everything worked well. :wallbash:

• Many time NPCs only say what they should say, much time later. :mellow:




- I'm not using huge scripts mods, and I guess none or almost none of small scripts.

Most of the mods I use are animations, equipments, body replacers.

I'm using Unofficial Skyrim Patch and Unofficial Dawnguard Patch, you think that is the reason??



My PC:

• Core 2 Duo E7500 2.93GHz - Not overclocked but I can.

• GeForce GT 630 2GB (Bought it Wednesday) (LOVING IT) - Playing SMOOTHLY :dance: Overclocked or not.


I have 38 processes on, using Game Booster 3, TuneUp MemOptimizer that also shows me how many memory I got left. In Idle I have 80% to use, with Skyrim open it's 30%.

I just cleaned every components of the PC.

Nothing is overheating :

System: 33C

CPU: 33C

AUX: 45C

HD0: 33C

Core: 37C

Core 1: 36C

GPU: 36C

Core 0: 39C

biggest culprit is your ram..if you can update your card...at least put another 2gig of ram in there

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Most of the mods I use are animations, equipments, body replacers.

I'm using Unofficial Skyrim Patch and Unofficial Dawnguard Patch, you think that is the reason??

All that plus 2gb ram is your problem.


Doesn't matter what kind of mods you have, with so little ram your computer is hard pressed to keep things going. I've got 4gb ram and slower processor & worse graphics and I know for a fact that I can't use as many mods as I'm sure you have.


How does your setup handle in a clean stock/vanilla game? If it is having issues without mods then it definitely is your ram.

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You need more ram. If you are running script heavy mods (like Cerwiden) you're really taxing your system. The longer you play, the more memory your save is going to take as well. Add all that to horse mods, follower mods and the regular game scripts running... You definitely need more memory. The same thing is going to happen again as you level higher in a new game.




You might want to check your save sizes too and make sure there isn't any bloating going on. That can cause major lag.

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My saves have 9~10MB.<br>I unnistalled the Unofficial Patches and looks like it's better now but I have to play more to notice better, cause it didn't happened every time. Edited by BugNexus
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