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get player "spell cost reduce"stat


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i like to mod transmute spell.

from 1 cast = 1 item, to 1 cast spell = as long the raw ingredient and magicka avaliable, the transmute will be do it again,

this is the original code

Scriptname transmuteMineralScript extends ActiveMagicEffect  
{script for spell to allow transmutation of ores}

import game

MiscObject Property Ore01  Auto  
{Lowest value ore}
MiscObject Property Ore02  Auto  
{Middle value ore}
MiscObject Property Ore03  Auto  
{Highest value ore}
Sound Property FailureSFX  Auto  
float property skillAdvancement = 15.0 auto
{How much to advance the skill?  Only works when spell actually transmutes something}
message property failureMSG auto

EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	objectReference caster = akCaster
	if caster.getItemCount(Ore02) >= 1
		; favor the more valuable ore first
		caster.removeItem(Ore02, 1, TRUE)
		caster.addItem(Ore03, 1, FALSE)
	elseif caster.getItemCount(Ore01) >= 1
		; if none of that, look for the base ore to upgrade
		caster.removeItem(Ore01, 1, TRUE)
		caster.addItem(Ore02, 1, FALSE)
		; caster must have had no valid ore

and this is the code after i edit:

Scriptname transmuteMineralScript extends ActiveMagicEffect  
{script for spell to allow transmutation of ores}

import game

MiscObject Property Ore01  Auto  
{Lowest value ore}
MiscObject Property Ore02  Auto  
{Middle value ore}
MiscObject Property Ore03  Auto  
{Highest value ore}
Sound Property FailureSFX  Auto  
float property skillAdvancement = 15.0 auto
{How much to advance the skill?  Only works when spell actually transmutes something}
message property failureMSG auto

float property Cost = 88 auto

EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	objectReference caster = akCaster
	While (caster.getItemCount(Ore02) >= 1) && (caster.GetActorValue("Magicka") >= Cost) && !(caster.IsInCombat()))
		caster.DamageAV("Magicka", Cost) 
		caster.removeItem(Ore02, 1 , TRUE) 
		caster.addItem(Ore03, 1 , TRUE) 
	While (caster.getItemCount(Ore01) >= 1) && (caster.GetActorValue("Magicka") >= Cost) && !(caster.IsInCombat()))
		caster.DamageAV("Magicka", Cost) 
		caster.removeItem(Ore01, 1 , TRUE) 
		caster.addItem(Ore02, 1 , TRUE) 

as you can see, the code will constant reduce 88 point of magicka in every items "transmute",

i like to reduce it, if the caster have "Adept Alteration perk" And/Or equipment that reduce magicka cost for Alteration spell,

so, if i equipped with 4x "reduce 25% Alteration spell" gears, the cost will changed from 88 to 0, can someone guide me please?

thanks for reading, have a nice day

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