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All weapons useable by all classes


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I didn't have to start a new game in order to get my changes to weapon class restrictions to take effect.


I enabled shotguns and assault rifles for all classes just by using eWP_AnyClass and eWP_Heavy for each of them. I replaced the eWP_Rifle property with eWP_AnyClass and was able to use rifle suppression. However, when I equipped a Heavy with an assault rifle I was unable to use suppression with the Heavy, even with eWP_Heavy as a property (listed after eWP_AnyClass). Rifle suppression and LMG suppression seem to be keyed to the weapon type within the skill itself, rather than from the weapon properties.


Support were unable to use Rifle Suppression with shotguns, and the Sniper was unable to use Headshot with an assault rifle (although it didn't have eWO_Sniper, I used eWP_AnyClass for it). Without editing the skills themselves, it looks like at least some of these abilities only work with the weapons the class was intended to use in the first place.

Edited by PaxEmpyrean
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Ive had tons of success using the modpatcher to place my files. Ive still got issues with the heavys and that darned rocket launcher as the heavy class is made differently to the others.


You can replace eWP_Rifle with eWP_anyclass anywhere as it makes it avail to all except the heavy. for heavy to have access to a weapon you must have eWP_Heavy in the line up.


to mod an item. shotgun/arcthrower and in my case sniper rifles too. you need to have eWP_Pistol. only issue here is that is has some problem in game recognising when the "pistol" is out of ammo and also gets the switchable weapon icon wrong, and some times even when that weapon is supposedly empty it still allows shots. The ingame graphics end up being a melding of your primary and secondary weapon.


Weapon abilities. for a weapon to be able to do suppressive fire it needs to be in the weapon abilities eAbility_ShotSuppress. side effect here is all troops can now suppress (my view not a bad thing as these guys are supposedly hand picked soldiers and this is a basic skill in most armies!!).


headshots = eAbility_PrecisionShot. but it wont work unless u have eWP_Sniper in the file too. several of the other abilities are avail this way too.


Tried to mod in a few others. bull rush - appears in game, char makes the run but fails to melee. eAbility_Stabilize ive had no luck with as it fails to show up on the ability bar in game.


anyway. get the modpatcher. make the changes you want. then use the patcher.


good luck.

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Ive had tons of success using the modpatcher to place my files.

The modpatcher is not required to get any of this stuff to work. I'm using Resource Hacker and it does the job just fine.


You can replace eWP_Rifle with eWP_anyclass anywhere as it makes it avail to all except the heavy. for heavy to have access to a weapon you must have eWP_Heavy in the line up.

This has been stated. We're aware.


Weapon abilities. for a weapon to be able to do suppressive fire it needs to be in the weapon abilities eAbility_ShotSuppress.

This is not true. While you can add the suppressive fire ability to a weapon and all characters will be able to use suppressive fire while they have that weapon equipped, characters with the appropriate skill can use their class weapon for suppressive fire even though it is lacking the ability in the weapon itself. Assault Rifles do not have eAbility_ShotSuppress but Supports with Rifle Suppression can do it. Likewise, all LMGs are lacking eAbility_ShotSuppress, but Heavies can suppress with them if they have the appropriate skill.


Adding an ability to the weapon does not make that weapon compatible with the skill, it makes that ability usable whether you had the skill or not.

Edited by PaxEmpyrean
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Ive had tons of success using the modpatcher to place my files.


The modpatcher is not required to get any of this stuff to work. I'm using Resource Hacker and it does the job just fine.






You can replace eWP_Rifle with eWP_anyclass anywhere as it makes it avail to all except the heavy. for heavy to have access to a weapon you must have eWP_Heavy in the line up.


This has been stated. We're aware.






Weapon abilities. for a weapon to be able to do suppressive fire it needs to be in the weapon abilities eAbility_ShotSuppress.


This is not true. While you can add the suppressive fire ability to a weapon and all characters will be able to use suppressive fire while they have that weapon equipped, characters with the appropriate skill can use their class weapon for suppressive fire even though it is lacking the ability in the weapon itself. Assault Rifles do not have eAbility_ShotSuppress but Supports with Rifle Suppression can do it. Likewise, all LMGs are lacking eAbility_ShotSuppress, but Heavies can suppress with them if they have the appropriate skill.


Adding an ability to the weapon does not make that weapon compatible with the skill, it makes that ability usable whether you had the skill or not.


thx, i havent had the chance to test these fully. will take that on board. hopefully the info is still helpful

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  On 10/15/2012 at 10:55 AM, Anbar said:
yeah be careful with changing too many weapons stats, it can get ugly in terms of balance VERY quickly.

Suppresion on wepaons, f.ex, becomes automatic (rather than confined to a special-action attribute)

Still, for the MG I'd be inclined to add automatic suppression.

Otherwise, what's the point of bringing a MG instead of an AR?


This and allowing snipers to use AR is about the extent of weapon modding that I did in my game.

I see no point in having everyone bring shotguns as sidearms or such esoteric mods. =)


Snipers with AR can be useful.

Early on, a sniper rifle is a clear disadvantage over the generic AR so it would be stupid for the soldier having to use it.

Later, snipers rock but for close-in work you'd be better off bringing another class... or skilling them apropriately. =)

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  On 10/15/2012 at 11:27 AM, Gazzzz said:
  On 10/15/2012 at 10:55 AM, Anbar said:
yeah be careful with changing too many weapons stats, it can get ugly in terms of balance VERY quickly.

Suppresion on wepaons, f.ex, becomes automatic (rather than confined to a special-action attribute)

Still, for the MG I'd be inclined to add automatic suppression.

Otherwise, what's the point of bringing a MG instead of an AR?


This and allowing snipers to use AR is about the extent of weapon modding that I did in my game.

I see no point in having everyone bring shotguns as sidearms or such esoteric mods. =)


Snipers with AR can be useful.

Early on, a sniper rifle is a clear disadvantage over the generic AR so it would be stupid for the soldier having to use it.

Later, snipers rock but for close-in work you'd be better off bringing another class... or skilling them apropriately. =)


yeah i tend to agree, same withe the SHIV mini-gun.. ahvent got my files at work but iirc they ahve built-in suppression even in vanilla?


Tempted to do the change re snipers myself... other classes i'm ok with "as-is"


I ahve, however, altered Pistols:


I've reduced their range (15) and added +5 aim and 360 reaction. Tempted to add headshot or rapid fire.


The idea being that they are CQB weapons rather than same effective range as AR.


Personally i think the game dynamic is better with them with reduced range also.

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SHIV suppression is a Foundry project, not a weapon ability.


  On 10/15/2012 at 12:45 PM, Anbar said:
Tempted to do the change re snipers myself... other classes i'm ok with "as-is"

It's only logical that a sniper can still use the AR he had been using on the last mission... when he still was a rookie.

Assault rifles aren't very complicated devices. They even give them to soldiers nowadays, I heard!



Short range pistols? My assaults wouldn't like that. Their shotguns already work at that range.


And rapid fire? Just imagine what a pistol-skilled sniper could do with a plasma pistol and some foundry pistol buffs...

The aiming reduction would hardly dent the aim skill of a sniper.

Edited by Gazzzz
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